Monday, February 9, 2009

Health is Wealth?

Which is more important to you: your health, or your wealth? Everyone would agree that your health is more important that your wealth.

Why? Because if you still have your health, you can still look for wealth. There is still hope.

If you have your wealth, but not your health, your wealth actually has no value to you. Of course, your wealth would be very valuable to your loving spouse and family (and long lost relatives ... hehehe!).

Haven't you had a very painful toothache, and you would give anything for it to go away? Once you are diagnosed with a critical illness (like cancer), wouldn't you give all your wealth to have your health (your non-cancer physical condition) back?

Although you may say that health is wealth, do you spend more time taking care of your wealth or your health? Think about it. Be truthful to yourself.

It appears that in the United Kingdom, research found out that that only 13% had beneficial results after going for medical attention from doctors. The majority did not have any beneficial advantage. Think about this as well.

Someone said that the dirtiest politics happens in the medical industry. Or perhaps more correctly, the drug-using medical industry. The conventional medical industry.

Not in the traditional medicine or alternative medicine or complementary medicine industries.

It is something like Western medicine as expounded by the developed countries (United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia etc) versus Eastern medicine (Chinese and Indian traditional medcine). Not too long a go, acupuncture was considered as coming from quack traditional doctors. It appears that acupunture is now available at some hospitals under the National Health Service at United Kingdom hospitals.

Someone told me that once you are sick, and admitted into a hospital in some developed countries (like Australia), you immediately lose your Human Rights. You cannot get out of the hospital without the doctor's consent. Even if you want to try alternative medicine in the comfort of your own home. Scary, isn't it?

My boss just told me yesterday that he now takes the leaves of a herbal plant, and soak them in water for 3-4 hours. He then drinks the water (now greenish). He managed to reduce his sugar level. He said that another person had been injecting insulin into his body because of severe diabetes. But after taking the drink/brew for a few months, his sugar went back to normal, and he stopped injecting insulin.

The moral of the story? First, to impress upon you the importance of taking good care of your health. Also, that you should be your own doctor, as a preventive step. Learn about foods that will kill you (some food may take years to finally have a fatal effect on you). And foods that will give you wellness, instead of illness.

Second, to let you realise that there is hope for you (if you are open-minded) if you are suffering from diabetes (or even cancer), when the conventionally trained (in Western edicine) specialists give up. Because they do not know everything (although some of them are not humble enough to admit it).

I wish you Success in your undertakings and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. I will be attending a part-time course for the Certificate in Applied Nutrition and Health in March. Action speaks louder than words, right?