Sunday, January 4, 2009

Do Your Shortcomings Count?

Do you have any shortcomings? Anything that acts like an obstacle for you, in your quest for success?

Perhaps you do not have enough money? Not enough experience? You do not have leadership qualities? You do not have the skills to speak in front of an audience of more than 5 people? Not enough good-looks?

Many years ago, I met a couple. I thought that the husband was good-looking. Handsome. The wife was not ugly. But I thought that they were mis-matched. You understand? Like Beauty and The Beast. He was the Beauty, and she was The Beast. Not a really accurate reflection of my thoughts then, but you get the drift?

Of course, now (with the decades of acquired wisdom ... ahem. .. errm) I realise that it was very shallow thinking on my part. To judge people by their appearances. By my own shallow standards or criteria. Beauty is not skin deep. Do not judge a book by its cover. One man's meat is another man's poison.

If you do not have communications skills, just join the nearest local Toastmaster's International Club. Not only will you increase tremendously your confidence to speak to a crowd, you will also increase your leadership skills (when you fully take part in their activities). I have personally seen this transformation take place in a guy, at the club that I am a member of - The Money Mastery Kuala Lumpur Toastmasters Club.

Not enough job experience? Simple solution, ain't it? Go get it. Even for free. Some multinational companies only recruit people who have had at least a year's working experience. So even if you work for free, that is actually your investment to get a job at a multi-national company.

You can also volunteer your services to a non-governmental organisation (NGO), or any number of voluntary organisations. They desperately need a willing and friendly hand.

I just heard last Saturday (at a get-together), that a young guy increased his network through Facebook. Some of the people in his Facebook network, whom he had never met personally, accepted his invitations to an educational event.

(You may also realise that a huge network is a critical success factor (CSF) to advance in the multi-level or network marketing industry.)

Wow! This social marketing thing is powerful! As you are fully aware, it's "not what you know, but who you know" that can determine your success in life.

The success of your business venture. The success of your family life, because that nice auntie that you know, successfully helped introduce you to the love of your life.

In short, that young guy will Increase his NetWorth through his NetWork. His net will work to increase his net worth! Amazing, ain't it?

During our cycling group's "carbo-loading" stop last Sunday, some of us were discussing that those who were considered the cream at high school (winner of this, and that, academic prize), relatively did not do as well in life as those who were not considered the top of the cream. Yes, they may be doing well financially, but they did not have time (such as to cycle every Sunday with us) because they had to be on-call at the hospital. Whilst those who did not do well, were either overseas on vacation, or had all the time in the world to meet (for anything ... coffee at Starbucks, golf, teh tarik session at the mamak eatery, etc).

One friend shared his experience ,whereby two of his schoolmates who were considered "dumb" in school, are now successful businessmen, and respected leaders in their community. One even drives a Rolls-Royce. (Well, I didn't tell the whole truth. His chauffeur drives the Rolls, and he sits at the back).

The moral of the story? Your shortcomings do not count, unless you start counting them. When you have a big heart to do whatever it takes, you will succeed in whatever you do.

Furthermore, it's anytime more rewarding to count your blessings! And also to bless others. May God Bless You for Reading this Blog! ... hehehe!

I wish you Success in you undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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