Sunday, December 14, 2008

Who is Your Hero(ine)?

Who is your hero? Superman? Wonderwoman? Spiderman? Ultraman? Superinggo (a Phillipines TV character)? Ironman? Powerman? Policeman? Fireman? Conman (God forbid!)? Cicakman (a 'Malaysia-Truly Asia' character)?

Your kid whose hero is Ultraman will watch Ultraman videos umpteen times. He will kick you as you pass by, just like Ultraman does. If you happen to be sitting, and his hands go to your face (accidentally), your spectacles will fly to the ground (it happened to me ... attacked by someone else's kid!).

That is why the dumb box is bad for your kids. Your kids will pick up the aggressiveness shown in cartoons or children's shows. TV-viewing for your kids must therefore be controlled.

Heros act as role models for you. When you think of your uncle who was kind to you, you will want to be like him.

Seeing a trainer in Sweden treat the dinner-lady with the utmost respect, and thanking her with a bouquet of flowers, you want to be like that trainer when you become one.

When you see an elderly gentleman with a lovely young woman, how do you react? Say in your mind, "Dirty old man!"?
Or, "I wonder what he has that can attract a beautiful woman. Perhaps I can learn a thing or two from him on the art of being a charmer".

When you see a beautiful lady in a sports car, what goes in your mind? You think, "She must be somebody's mistress"?
Or, "Hhmmm ... nice car ... I wonder how I can learn from her on how to get that dream car"?

What goes in your mind when you see a well-dressed gentleman, getting out of a luxury car? "He must be a conman, to be able to get such an expensive car. Maybe, he's a drug king."
Or, "He must be a successful businessman. I wonder if I can get the opportunity to listen to him one of these days at a Business Forum or Conference."

In all the above instances, what you think does not have any impact on the person concerned. But it does have a huge and tremendous impact on you!

If you don't like successful people, you will not become successful. If you don't like rich people, you will not become rich. Because your sub-conscious mind cannot accept success or riches. It has been programmed to accept failure and poverty.

When you admire positive-minded people, you will become positive-minded. When you admire healthy people, you will become healthy.

The moral of the story? That which we admire, we attract. That which we bless, we attract. That which we love, we attract.

If you admire a millionaire property investor, won't you take steps to find out how he became successful? And you then follow in his foot-steps?

When you bless a person for her awesome achievement in being an expert (say, in her field of using magic to teach mathematics), won't you be blessed later on? ... when you are the expert in your own field?

When you show genuine love to a child, won't she feel your positive vibrations? What if the child is 18 years old? Now you know the secret? ... hehehe!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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