Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Want Success, or You are Committed to Success?

You want success? You want wealth? You want good health?

Of course you want all the above. But not everyone attains them.

You want to have good health? I believe that 99%, of the folks out there, will put good health as their number one priority in life. Above success and wealth. Is it true for you, as well?

But what have you done today (or this week, or this month) to ensure you have good health?

Do you exercise? Everyday? Once a week? Once a month? Once a year - at the annual company open day (social day) where there is mass aerobics as one of the items on the agenda?

Have you stopped smoking the poison stick? Have you taken the proper food for your body? Have you taken supplements? To correct any nutritional deficiencies that your body may have (because of hereditary, or age, factors)?

You want wealth? But have you set how much wealth you actually want? $10,000 a year income? $30,000 a year? $500,00 a year? $1,000,000 a year?

Your mind is like a heat-seeking missile. Once you set the target, the missile will inexorably move towards it. Your mind will move towards thinking how to get $10,000 a year once you set it. It will move towards thinking how to get $1,000,000 a year, once you set it. You choose your target. Your mind will go towards it.

Once you set your financial target, have you calculated or determined what you must do to achieve it? On a daily basis? Weekly? Monthly? Annually? People do not plan to fail, they fail to plan (right?).

It's a good starting point when you want success. What's the difference between those who want success, and those who achieve success?

Those who do not achieve success merely want success, but do not know exactly what they want. They are also lazy to go all the way. They lack the determination to follow-up. And to follow-through.

Those who achieve success complete all three steps below.

First, decide what you want. How much money do you exactly want? How many kilogrammes do you want to reduce (your weight, baby ... not the gold bars in your bank safety box ...hehehe ... just checking)? You then must follw-through with the next step.

Second, plan how to achieve it. How much properties do you need to buy? How much money must you save per day, or per month, or per year to enable you to buy the properties?

How many hours must you exercise in the gymnasium (per day, per week) to get to Angelina Jolie's or Jeniffer Aniston's beautiful body shapes? What type of diet (more vegetables and fruits!) to follow?

Third, you work your plan. You COMMIT TO SUCCESS. To do what needs to be done. To do whatever it takes. This is where most folks (not you, of course) fail. The lack of the final follow-through. For lack of Persistence. Edward Eggleton wrote, "Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure."

Do you wake up in the mornings, and think of reasons why you cannot achieve what you want to attain?

Or do you wake up, thinking of ways to achieve your dreams? To not spend that money on a home-video system with 42-inch flat screen TV, because you want to keep it as seed money for your investment? It's from an acorn that a giant oak grows.

To not stay late in bed, or watch the dumb box, so that you can go cycling 40 km (or 100 km, if that's what really turns you on, baby!) on Sundays? To spend your Saturday afternoons attending classes on nutrional therapy. So that you know what to put inside your mouth (no ... definitely not sausages ... naughty girl!) to keep you healthy?

I read in the newspapers about the winners of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2008 awards. The winner for the Technology Entrepreneur Award (Harvinder Singh) said, "... being an entrepreneur is ... very challenging..., what people see from the outside are the successes, big projects completed, the money made. What they do not see is the struggle and pain you go through .... The strength of an entrepreneur ... is more of the ability to keep getting up each time you fall and keep going when all odds are against you."

The niece of the winner of the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year award (who collected the award on behalf of her aunt Noraini Soltan), said this about the winner, "... I see my aunt as ... most hardworking person and she never gave up in whatever she does."

The moral of the story? There is no such thing as a free lunch. There is no such thing as instant success.

Instant coffee, yes. Instant noodles, yes. Instant gratification, yes. Instant loan approval, yes. Instant office, yes.

Instant success, NO! It needs long-term commitment.

You want your marriage to be a success? To last? It needs long-term commitment. Till death do us part?

Peter Drucker said, "Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans."

I wish you Success in your undertakings and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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