Sunday, November 23, 2008

Do You See Obstacles, or Opportunities?

What happens to you when you see obstacles? Will you be energised to act, or will you be petrified to act??

What happens when you see opportunities? Will your energy level, to take action, decrease or increase?

You are aware of the story of the two shoe salemen who were sent to a certain country to do a market survey for their product? Salesman 'A' saw the so-called natives not wearing any shoes. He reported to World Headquarters in "Malaysia - Truly Asia", "There is no market potential - no one's wearing shoes here." Will salesman 'A' be motivated to take the next step to meet his sales target?

Salesman 'B' also saw that the natives were not wearing shoes. He reported back, "There is a massive golden opportunity here - no one's wearing shoes yet!" Will Salesman 'B' be moved to take immediate action to meet his sales target?

What your mind focuses on, expands. When your mind focuses on obstacles, you see obstacles.

When your mind focuses on opportunities, opportunities seem to appear in front of you. Sometimes, as though out of thin air.

Remember when you were thinking of buying a new (say, a Toyota Rush) vehicle? Didn't you, suddenly, become aware of Toyota Rush vehicles on the road as you drive your old dilapidated jalopy? This is the Law of Attraction in action. What your mind focuses on, your eyes will see.

I have talked to dozens of my friends and acquaintances regarding an investment program in properties which gives at least a 20% annual Return-On-Investment (ROI). (I have no financial rewards or share in this program. I simply wanted to share the financial reward opportunity).

Only two guys understood what I was saying about the program. One guy was because his father-in-law was personally using a similar business model, as his primary source of income. The other guy was because he and his brother were using a similar business model to generate an additional source of income.

The other guys only saw obstacles when I explained the program to them. "It's too good to be true." "Beware of people collecting money from you, giving good returns in the beginning, and one fine day disappearing into thin air."

A similar business program was presented to some 500 people in Singapore in June 2008. The preview showed how money could be made from opportunities arising from the U.S.A.'s sub-prime loans crisis.

Yes, many people will unfortunately lose money from the sub-prime loan crisis. Yes, they chose to be in that position (although you may not agree with this statement). A few will make money from the sub-prime loan crisis. Yes, they also chose to be in this position. Life's a choice, don't you think so?

The annual Return-On-Investment was stated as 19% to 26%. "Too good to be true", thought the cynics, who see obstacles in their mind. "Sounds a very reasonable rate of return", thought those who have the knowledge (or experience) of how the property market works.

Exactly the same presentation and information, but completely different interpretations or views. Interesting, isn't it?

The moral of the story? Opportunities abound. Whether for a business opportunity, or a life partner! Look and you will see! Ask and you will be given!

I wish you Success in your undertakings and Good Health and Wealth for you and your family. Take care!

P.S. A very good friend of mine joined the property investment program when I told him about it. He said he trusts me (thank you sir!). I believe his trust in me jumped a quantum leap when he saw the bank cheque from my investment! ... Hehehe ... he's one smart guy, don't you think so?

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