Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why Do You Need To Market 'You'?

Is Coca Cola an internationally recognised brand? Have you drank Coke? The Real Thing?

If Coca Cola is a readily recognised international brand, why do they spend lots of money on advertisements and promotions? After all, everyone knows Coca Cola, isn't it?

So what is the reason they spend a lot on promotions and advertisements? To be number 1? Yes! You are right! They have a lot of competitors, such as Pepsi Cola.

If Coke spends tonnes of money to market itself, shouldn't you - a mere unknown (at this point in time, but certainly not forever!) - also do some promotion? Some marketing? Self promotion?

One fine day in 1997, I decided to join an international MLM (multi level marketing) company. Why? Because you can make lots of money? True, but that was not the principal reason; because I had no confidence that I would be able to do what it takes in that business.

My principal reason was to find out how network marketing works. To understand its principles, so that when people give their opinion on this method of marketing products or services, I will give a knowledgeable answer. From actual experience of being in the industry. Rather than hearsay.

MLM or network marketing companies use one of the most effective forms of advertising or marketing - word of mouth. That's what I learnt.

Are we digressing from our topic? No, because another lesson I learnt is that if you are in any business, you should promote that business.

Me? I was trying to hide it. From anything that breathes. Why? Because some folks have the wrong information on the MLM industry. They 'think' its a pyramid scheme. (And I was afraid people would associate me with this). Because they 'think' (without the right information), they do not take 'action' to grap one of the best business opportunities in the world.

Once he learnt about the awesome power of the network marketing business model, Robert T Kiyosaki wrote "The Business School for People Who Like to Help People" to describe the advantages of being involved in the network marketing industry.

Of course, network marketing is not for everyone. But it sure would be a great help for a lot of people, if they just opened their minds.

Robert Kiyosaki also states that one of the most important personal skills that you must learn, to succeed in life, is selling! Because selling trains you to tame the fear of rejections! Can you handle twenty 'No's before you get one 'Yes'?

Harv T Eker wrote, "... any leader who can't or won't promote will not be a leader for long, be it in politics, business, sports or even as a parent. (Also)... Leaders earn a heck of a lot more money than followers!"

The moral of the story? If you do not promote yourself, no one else will. If you do not sell your business, no one else will. If you do not transfer your enthusiasm ('the radio wave by which you transmit your personality to others'), no one else will. Go sell, with integrity, the product "YOU"!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. In case you are the curious kind, which MLM company did I join? Give me your answer in the Comments space. If you give me your email, I will confirm the answer privately! Of course, if you guessed right, I will give you a little gift. Fair deal?

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