Friday, November 28, 2008

What's the "Be - Do - Have" Formula?

I invited a very good friend for a business preview seminar. I didn't say much because I was not too familiar with the business myself. My friend postponed another appointment (a training session) to accomodate my invitation.

Another person that I contacted had said that she would attend the seminar. Later she said that she had some other urgent appointment. I believe it was just an excuse, but that doesn't matter. Whether it was true that she had another urgent appointment or not, it's her life ... her destiny, not mine.

What do you think is the difference between the two persons above? Other than their sex (one said "Yes please" and the other said, "I got a headache" ... hehehe ... that woke you up?).

I realised that one person is into Action. He just says, "O.K. I will be there." He is in the present. When he attends the business preview, he will be in the present. Not the past. Not the future.

This Action person behaves the same way with regard to other aspects of life. I once asked him, "Are you going to join the 140 km bicycle ride on Sunday?" His answer (without missing a beat) was, "Yes."

He does not think, "Ooohh ... how many hours will that take?"
"We will be cycling across the mountain range, I wonder if I can make it?"
"Will my 14-year old son be able to complete the distance?"

[Although I had just started cycling a couple of months back, I decided to join him on this 140 km ride. Because my cycling "prowess" was not too far behind his ... hehehe ... I needed a friend when I am (always) at the back of the cycling group! We started at 7 a.m. What time do you think we returned to our starting point (carpark)?]

The other person is into thinking ... too much! You have heard of information overload? The Paralysis by Analysis syndrome?

She's not in the present. She's in the future. She's in the past.
"Is it an MLM business?"
"Is it direct selling?"
"I don't want to sell like what I see some people do. Some people open a small table and start selling (a product, or a service)."
"I think that the business will not be appropriate to my present business/interests."

For heaven's sake, baby! You have not heard what the potential business is all about! And you are making comments as though you have listened (for two and a half hours) and understood, what the new potential business is all about? Good heavens! You know these kind of people? Make sure you don't spend your precious time with them, o.k?

The moral of the story? "Who you are" is "what you are 'be'ing". It is also critical that you are always "being in the present" (as opposed to the past or the future) when you are 'be'ing yourself.

Why? Because "being in the present" eliminates fear. Fear of your past negative experience - which in all probability will not recur. And imagined fears of the future - which in all probability will not occur. It does not mean that you are unaware of your past, or the possibilities of the future.

The 'be' in you is the 'thinking' in you. The 'thinking' in you will lead to your 'do'ing - the actions that you take. Your actions will lead to what you will 'have'. Your 'haves' are your results. Your results are your successes.

Success in life requires you to follow the "Be - Do - Have" formula in that exact sequence. When you become a better person, you will take better actions, and you will get better results.

Interesting? So, be an interesting person, o.k.? You will take interesting action. With interesting results. Such as marrying an interesting person ... awesome, isn't it? Hehehe!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. You guessed the time that we returned from the 140 km ride? You are right! ... if you guessed 5.30 p.m. The next day, I had a challenge to climb the stairs to my office ... hehehe.

P.P.S. Did my friend take up the business opportunity? I will inform you when you give your answer (and e-mail address) in the comments... hehehe!


Life is like that!!!! said...
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Life is like that!!!! said...

7.00 am to 5.30 took a leisurely ride ? that must be very painful...hmm so did your friend take up the business opportunity ?

azizyoup said...

Yes! A leisurely ride if you are an Ironman competitor, or Lance Armstrong(or you take part in the Tour de France ... no, not as the drinks officer, but as a racer ... hehehe). For guys whose only exercise is the Sunday ride, 140 km is sweet torture, a big achievement, especially going to-and-fro across a mountain range. Give me your email for the answer to your question, ok? Take care!

Life is like that!!!! said...

wah must give email one ya...alrighty it is