Sunday, November 23, 2008

Is Destiny a Matter of Chance, or Choice?

What is your destiny?

To be poor? To be rich? To be middle class? To be famous? To be infamous? To be unknown? To help only yourself? To help as many people as you can?

If you want to be successful, in whatever endeavour, you need to make a choice. Nothing happens by chance.

If you think that your life is a case of a chance happening, or of chance happenings, you will become a victim of life. You have met these people. They blame everyone, or an event, for their dire straits in life.

I was reading some comments on the internet. I was shocked (well, I shouldn't be, but still it came as a shock) to find many people writing, and blaming the financial tsunami in the United States of America on the U.S.A.'s President-elect Barack Obama! Good heavens! What a convenient scape-goat. You can get sick, if you read the way these people blame other people.

Research has shown that the criminals in prison never blame themselves for being in prison. "It's the government's fault that I am in prison."
"It's the teachers' fault that I am in this situation."
"It's my parent's fault that I am in this unfortunate condition."
It is never their fault!

A neigbour went to the extreme though, of practising 'destiny is a matter of choice'. He was highly educated with a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. degree, and was a lecturer at a university. He rented a house for $400, but stopped paying the rental after some time (the house-owner was working and staying 250 kilometers away). When asked why he did not pay his rental, he said that he was saving the money to buy his own house. Unbelievable? But a true story! He really wanted to make the choice to have money to pay for his own house! But his degrees certainly does not make him a better man, don't you think so? He's robbing his landlord, to help himself!

An office colleague gambled a lot of his money on horse racing. One day, I saw a notice in the newspapers, and it was his house that was to be auctioned by the bank! When you play 'games of chance' to become rich, what are your chances?

There are even books published to help you interpret your nightly dreams. For example, if a monkey appeared in your dream, it would represent the number 583, and if you dreamt of a red ladies underwear, it would represent the number 912. These are supposedly to help you win the $1,000,000 jack-pot that can make you an instant millionaire!

Why are these books able to be published? Because many people want to be rich the easy way - interpreting their nightly dreams! Hahahaha! Funny, but true reality! These people's dreams naturally turn to financial nightmares, later on in life.

You can easily find out people who make themselves out as victims of circumstances. They use the three 'Cs' as their guiding light - Criticising, Complaining, and Condemning, everything that is happening in the world (most often in their own limited little world). You can easily meet these people in the company canteen or dining room.

The moral of the story? You create the life that you want. When you realise that destiny is a matter of choice, and not a matter of chance, you will take the necessary action to achieve your life's goal(s) and desires.

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. Did the office colleague who lost his house because of gambling his money away become homeless? It was lucky that his wife had her own apartment, and he was saved from joining the homeless brigade.

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