Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is Money Working for You, or Are You Working for Money?

Are you working for money? A simple but profound question, don't you think so?

Most of you may not realise that you are working for money. I found the comment from an office colleague interesting. He says he does not work for money - he works for the sake of God. Well, if he does not work for money, don't you think that he should give away his monthly salary to a House of God, or to an ophanage? Well, we don't want to touch on sensitive topics. I guess as long as he's happy in his own world, we should let him be.

It's as though you have been programmed since you came out of the womb. Perhaps even before you came out! If you were scanned through your mummy's tummy, and found to be a boy (well, the scan showed you had an appendage!), your parents may have had visions of you as a doctor, or lawyer, or accountant - never as a dancer, or as a network marketer ("goodness gracious me, why would anyone want to become that", thinks 95% of parents ... the ignorant ones).

If you were born a girl, your parents would have visions of you as ... da da! .... a doctor, or lawyer, or an accountant!

What would you like your children to become when they grow up? A philosopher? A rock star? A guitarist? Mother Theresa? A multi-level marketer?

What have you been programmed to, by your parents and the educational system, since you were born? To get a ... JOB! Yes, you are good, aren't you?

When you have been programmed to get a job, your life would be Just Over Broke. You will work to get money. To buy you a big bike. Buy you a big car. Buy you a big house. Buy you a big wife (!?!)... hehehe ... to check that you are not sleeping again!

When you get a $500 per month increment, you buy a bigger, more prestigious car. When you get another $1,000 per month increment, you up-grade your house. Whether you are a civil servant, a factory worker, a nurse, a lawyer, an accountant or a doctor. You are programmed to spend whatever extra you get. You work for money!

Rich people let money work for them. If they have $500 extra per month, they save it. Until it is enough to be invested. In mutual funds, or stocks, or gold, or property, or a business.

If you have $100,000 in your hand (your long lost auntie just left you that amount in her will), would you prefer to use it to buy a new car to replace your 8-year old car? How long would you need to think about this?

If you have a 'rich person's' mind, you would calculate the opportunity cost of buying a car rather than invest it. You may think, "If I buy a new car, I lose the opportunity to triple the $100,000 in 5 years (in a property investment program). Hmmm ... I need to see whether it's worthwhile to get a new car, at this moment in time. I must get my priorities right". This is what 5% of the people would do.

If you have a mind that 'works for money', you would simply and immediately say to yourself, "What the heck ... it's better that I get a new car immediately and enjoy life. You never know whether you will live long, anyway". This is what 95% of the folks out there would do. You are not in this category, of course.

The moral of the story? If you think short-term, you will always be working for money. If you think long-term, you will have money working for you.

"Delayed gratification" means that you are willing to have a hard time now, so that you will have an easy time in the future. "Instant gratification" means you want your pleasure now, and torture later (and forever?). Which one do you practise? You choose the life that you want!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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