Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why Go the Extra Mile?

Will going the extra mile (or km?) give you an advantage? Will it make you a significantly better person than 99.9% of the population?

When I was 15 (yes ... a very long, long time ago ... like eternity ... according to my kids Adam and Sabrina), I saw my senior at high school take part in the 100-metre dash (back in those "pre-historic times" it was known as the 110-yard dash).

He came in third. To me, that was a big achievement because he won a trophy (even though for third place). It also meant that he was part of the schools' 4x100 sprint-relay team. To a 15 year old, that was glamourous! Everyone in the school would know you. You would become famous!

But I don't believe that he woke up one fine morning, and became an immediate success as a sprinter. Having muscular legs to propel him at a velocity that can beat others.

I remembered that I had joined him (and a small group of other boys) once, 5 years before, to jog around our small town at 5.30 a.m. in the morning. He had been "training" for 5 years!

At that time, it did not seem like training - it was more of having fun with your friends. Just enjoying a run in the fresh and invigorating coolness of the morning. But the result 5 years later for him, was that he became a winner on the running track. He jogged almost every morning, whilst it was the first, and last, early morning run for me! See the different results? Law of Cause and Effect?

I was at a training camp a couple of weeks ago. We were given an exercise on the beach in the gloriously skin-burning (and energy-sapping) sunshine.

I noticed that one tall young guy (ok ... I agree ... any guy will be young when compared to ancient me) was willing to take more responsibility. In the form of more load (of bricks ... believe it ... or don't!) off other people whom he saw were struggling with the load. One of the 'people' was me ... that's why I know! hehehe!

Din (not some loud noise ... it's his name!) went the extra mile that day. I could not stop admiring him. If I were his father, I would have been very proud of him. If he was single (he's handsome), and I were a beautiful, sexy and voluptuous gal, I would have proposed to him right away that very evening!

Anyway, what do you think of Din (the guy, the guy! ... not the loud noise!)? Will you want to be his friend?

Will he attract businesss partners if he were starting a new business, and looking for partners? Will YOU be willing to do whatever he asks you? Why? Because you trust him. Because he is not selfish. Because he contributes to increasing life (well ... I thought I would die if one of the bricks was not taken away from me! ... hehehe!). Do you think that the Universe will help Din in whatever endeavour he undertakes?

The moral of the story? When you go the extra mile, you will be noticed. You will be a leader in whatever field you are involved in ... Sports ... Business ... Voluntary organisations ... Academia. Why? Because the majority are not willing to go the extra mile.

You go and be a leader. Do that little bit extra. You will attract goodness; maybe even greatness. Do your bit to make this a better Universe ... by being a better you!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. Ladies, I am sorry to disappoint you ... but Din's happily married.

P.P.S. Five days after writing the above, I attended a graduation dinner for Certified Professional Trainers (CPT). The organiser of a 2-day seminar on Global Branding gave out two free tickets to 2 of those present. The recipients did not expect to receive the $4,000-value tickets. The organiser recognised both of them for going the extra mile. One selflessly led the CPT alumni. The other pro-actively supported by (among others) writing, and e-mailing to members, about their 'monthly talks'. When you go the extra mile, the Universe is aware; and you will be rewarded - financially or in other terms!


All Things Marine Parade said...

Hi Pedro, you are a great warrior of the Light. Aho!

From Blue Panther

azizyoup said...

Thanks Blue Panther. I am actually Focused Light. TQ for your kind patience, and your time in reading my blog!