Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why Should You Do What You Wanna Do?

What do you need to succeed in any field of endeavour, or business venture? What do you need to succeed at your job?

My 7-year old son Adam loves to sing. He actually likes to sing loudly (a future rocker?), especially when having his morning shower (he has the makings of a bathroom singer .. like his father!). I think his pitching is sometimes off when he sings. I believe he will not make it to the finals of American Idol. (Mick Jagger - you are safe!) I think I'd better enter him for the Male Model of the Year competition. Mothers who look at him think he is handsome (... like his father? ... hahahaha! ... just being modest ... hahahaha! ... I am only joking, ok?).

6-year old Sabrina, on the other hand, sings better than her brother and father (and mother ... hehehehe ... don't tell her mummy ok? ... very sensitive issue ... I am all for peace in the world ... whether Green Peace, Nobel Peace Prize or, especially, Domestic Peace!). With her natural talent (let's say that it comes from her mummy's genes, ok?), plus some skills (music and voice) training, she may make it to the finals of American Idol.

In actual life, there will be many Sabrinas. People with talent and the skills. But not all will succeed, or be at the top of the pile.

There was a winner of a national singing competition many, many moons ago. He was not destined for greater things. Why? Because he did not know how to make the best use of his God-given assets. He did not come for TV recordings on time. He was high on drugs when he turned up for studio recordings. His drugs controlled him. When you do not respect yourself, will the Universe respect you?

I know someone who originally wanted to be a linguist when he was 12 years old. Along the way, he just followed what others told him to do. At 20, he decided that he wanted to be an accountant. But he let the environment decide for him. He read the physical sciences/chemistry full-time at University. But he was studying part-time, and sitting, for the professional Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) examinations at the same time.

His career started as an assistant chemist, because of his training and acquired skills in University. But deep in his heart, he wanted to be an accountant. He continued studying part-time while working as a chemist. If your son were in this situation, what would you advise? Do you think he will be happier with your advice? Or more successful?

Wallace D Wattles wrote, "Doing what you want is life ... ; ... And it is certain that you can do what you want to do; the desire to do it is proof that you have within you the power which can do it. Desire is a manifestation of power".

What is the moral of the story? You can achieve success in the field that you have been trained, or have acquired skills, in. But do not discount the possibilities in other fields that you have a passion, or interest, in. As the saying goes, "Interest is the soil in which intelligence grows". You will do much better in something which is closest to your heart, rather than doing something which you may merely be comfortable in.

When you have a focused dream, and you have a strong burning desire, your personal power will be amazing. Instead of comfortably running round and round in the chicken-coop, you will be freely soaring like an eagle!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. Did the guy who studied accountancy part-time become an accountant? Yes! He worked as a Senior Management Accountant at a multinational petroleum company.

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