Friday, October 31, 2008

Is 100% Effort in Your Action Necessary?

In the formula "Vision + Action = Success", one of the critical aspects of the 'Action' component is that it should be implemented immediately. Procrastination will be a destructive force for you.

Another important principle is: you can only improve if you have done what you are required to do today. If you have given 100% effort today, it means you have completed your job or assignment. If you complete a task, you have achieved success in that task. If not, your task has been a failure.

Just imagine that you are asked to jump over a 1 metre drain. But you missed it by 1 centimetre. You fell into the drain. Because you jumped only 99% (1 metre = 100 centimetres).

Imagine that to achieve your goal or objective, you have to do 1,000 tasks along the way. For each task, you give 99% effort. Do you think you will achieve your goal?

In Quality Management, if you have 1,000 components in a product (say a car), and each component is 99% reliable, your product would have a very low reliability rate!

When you put in 100% effort in any activity, however insignificant it may appear to be, you have a success for that activity. A small success will give you confidence to achieve a bigger success. Your small success is training you to receive bigger success.

If you are required to do 20 activities in a day to achieve your vision, and you do each of them with 100% effort, you have 20 successes out of 20. A 100% success for the day. If you do this for 30 days, you would have a successful month. Do you think that you will have a better chance to successfully achieve your goal if you put in 100% effort, rather than 99% effort?

When you put in 99% effort, do you think you are doing well? Maybe yes, compared to the 95% of the people out there who give between 10% to 98%. But compared to your own personal goal (which requires your 100% effort), you are behind. So, if you want to achieve your goal or dream, 100% effort on your part is necessary. Nothing less!

However, do not overwork yourself. You do not need to do 110% effort, for example by doing tomorrow's task today. You need to focus on today's task; to do it at a 100% effort. You also need balance in your life.

If you give 100% effort to the action at hand, and you have your vision in mind as you take action, you will have "power" at your disposal. When your mind and your body are working in unison, do you think you have less, or more, power?

The moral of the story? When you have a vision, and you focus on it, and you give 100% effort to the actions that you are taking, wouldn't you achieve your goal faster?

If you fail to realise the importance of a 100% effort and commitment in anything that you do, you are only disrespecting yourself. Be the person that God meant you to be! Be the perfect creation that God created you! Be the 100% perfect (Zero Defect) person that you know you can be!

I wish you Success in your undertakings and Good Health to you and your family. Take care!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vision + Action = Success

Everthing starts with a thought. You see, or have a vision, in your mind before you actually get what you want.

Napoleon Hill wrote "Think and Grow Rich". Maybe that's a clue as to the starting point of getting anything that you want?

When you have a vision, your creative juices will start flowing. When you have a vision of a particularly delicious "food, glorious food", you may start to salivate (digestive juices flowing out?).

I have a friend who's vision is to have a young wife. Ever since he was 26. Even when he was 56. (Even when he's 86? ... well, we'll see! Anyway, you know about that guy who marrried a Playgirl when he was in his late 80s - or is it when he was already 90?).

My friend's first wife (when he was 26) was 16. His second wife (when he was in his early forties) was 22. His third wife (when he was in his late forties) was 24. His fourth wife (when he was in his fifties) was 18. Don't you think that he is an example of "what you think, is what you get"? Awesome!

Of course, you may argue that you also have the vision to have a young and pretty wife, but you are not as successful as my friend above. Perhaps you are a completely disastrous and miserable failure compared to my friend. Where have you gone wrong? Where did my friend go right?

The most probable answer between your miserable failure and his galloping success is "action". My friend took massive action.

Of course, sometimes he seeks support from a favorite auntie. To arrange for a list of 66 potential candidates. He had to go through almost half of the list to get his number 2 wife. A lot of entertaining and dining. I mean, its no joke to go through the list. If you have not tried doing it, then you wouldn't understand the amount of time (and money) that is needed to be expended. Are you ready for the sacrifice?

If you just have a vision of a pretty girl on your lap ... however hard you think .... however hard you focus ... however hard you meditate ... however hard you squint your eyes ... she ain't gonna fall from the sky onto your lap! If just having a vision worked, many Hollywood (and Bollywood) starlets would have gently fallen onto my lap too!

By taking action, you are actually preparing for the thing (that you envision), to be delivered to you. For you to be ready to receive it. Without action, that which you are supposed to receive, will wait in the distance...waiting for you.

You may know a friend who had undergone failure after failure after failure after failure ... and is now a success. If he has experienced failures, don't you think that he was actually preparing to receive success? Did his actions which led to his earlier failures, increased his knowledge of what not to do to achieve success?

If you have not met failure, how are you going to know success? A failure is actually a success, but facing the opposite direction, don't you think so? The other side of the coin, so to speak.

The critical importance of acting in the present, has been well said by Wallace D Wattles. He wrote: "You cannot act where you are not; you cannot act where you have been; and you cannot act where you are going to be; you can only act where you are".

Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. The vision is the inspiration for you to attract whatever you want. Your massive action is the perspiration that brings, and also prepares you to receive, whatever you want.

The moral of the story? Once you have a vision, get into immediate action. Do not procrastinate! Do not wait for your surroundings to change; you go change your surroundings (even though the pace of the change may appear agonisingly slow).

Your Vision is the spark that will light your fire. Your Action is the stoking of the logs that will turn the tinder into a giant ball of fire. Your Vision combined with massive Action will turn you into a flaming success!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. Did my friend have four wives at a time (a polygamist)? No. He is a one-woman man!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Credit Card Fraud by Banks?

Have you ever tried calling your bank to enquire about your credit card? I called CIMB Bank Card Centre, yesterday and today, to enquire about my Credit Card Account balance.

The banks are now very technologically advanced and sophisticated. Once you call their number, a recorded message comes on. You want to speak English or Bahasa Malaysia? You want card services etc etc?

When you dial 'O' to get to a person, the recorded message immediately tells you "Our Customer Relation officers are currently assisting other customers. Please hold and you will be attended to shortly". This is repeated every minute ... ad infinitum. In Banking speak, it means "We are very busy to attend to you. Go away and disappear into the black hole in the Universe". Either 1,000,000 customers are making enquiries, or they actually have no one to answer your enquiry. What do you think?

While no one is answering your call, they provide recorded messages telling you that you can achieve your dreams by using their services. I think the banks are in the selling-to-customers-who-call business, not in the business of talking to their customers. I believe they also get a cut from the telephone companies, because when the banks keep you on the telephone by not answering you, but by getting a recording machine to pass messages to you, your time on the phone increases. You pay more for telephone charges.

After 5 minutes, I gave up. Must be millions of people making enquiries with their credit card accounts. Well, in the present financial turmoil around the world, this is a big possibility, I guess.

Actually, I believe the banks are in the business of increasing your blood pressure. Perhaps they want to know whether you are a patient customer. I think they have an award for the most patient customer.

It seems that the banks have never heard of customer service. When you attend any customer service training, you are informed that you should not let the phone ring more than 3 times ....ring ring ... ring ring ... ring ring (6 seconds?). The banks think this 6 seconds only is bad for their business. There's no time for their recorded sales messages to be heard by customers!

To me, making the customer wait 5 minutes on the line to hear recorded sales messages is cheating the customer. It is a fraud on the cutomer. For wasting his telephone expenses. For wasting his time.

The moral of the story? If you plan to telephone your banks, don't waste your precious time. Please note that they have no time for you. (Unless you owe them $1,000,000?). Instead, send a recorded message to talk to the banks' recorded messages. Or you just have 2 credit cards instead of 16. Where are the scissors?

Wishing you Success in your undertakings and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. I had exactly similar previous experiences with two other banks. I gave up after 5 minutes. I think the banks have the same customer service training at their training centres. Do the banks expect me to listen to their recorded messages 24 hours a day?

P.P.S. Had to call RHB Bank (one day after writing the above) because I was making an on-line purchase. Same thing happened, except that after 4 minutes, the recorded message says that their customer service agent is busy and will get back to me soon ... then the line is cut! Happened twice consecutively! What will the banks think of next?

P.P.P.S. After the failure at RHB Bank above, one hour later I called Citibank. After less than a minute responding to the answering machine ... CONGRATULATIONS! ... TO ME! ... for finally achieving success! 4 Malaysian Banks appear not to have any humans inhabiting their call centres... only recording machines! (or aliens disguised as recording machines?). 1 International Bank has a live, warm human being at the end of the phone line.

The score: Citibank 1, Malaysian Banks -4 (minus 4, also known as "the pits"). Do you recommend that I cut-up all my 16 credit cards, except Citibank's?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How to Tame Your Fear?

Do you have fears? Fear of failure? Fear of losing your money in an investment? Fear of mice? Fear of cockroaches?

I have a fear of "heights". I believe some of you are with me on this one?

Any fear is difficult to eliminate forever. What is fear?

FEAR is "False Expectation Appearing Real". When you 'expect' something, it has to do with the 'future'. It does not deal with the 'present'.

As you are aware, the 'future' is not 'now'. If you just be 'in the now', your 'expectation' (which is connected to your future, or your past experience) does not exist. So you will not have your fear.

I overcame (tamed, but not eliminated) my fear of heights through the above principle of 'being in the now'. And taking action!

To climb a ladder at home to fix a defective electric light bulb is not my cup of tea. I always pass the cup of tea to my wife (who is shorter than me). When I am in a lift with a view (i.e. "a glass lift"), I would stand furthest from the glass/view.

Last week, for an exercise, I stood in front of a 20 metres (I think ... anyway, more than 5 metres is the sky to me!) tall tree trunk. It had been sawn-off at the top, so that there was a circular platform for you to stand on it. You are then required to raise your arms/hands, straight at the sides (so you look like a T). Then you jump off!

Of course, you are tied to a safety harness, so that your fall can be controlled by the guy (or five guys - if you are heavily-built like a fully grown bear or bull).

There were 14 of us at the tree trunk. I was thinking of volunteering first; so that I could get over the exercise. To get over the fear. But my fear was stronger than my mouth to speak, so I decided to keep quiet and generously give the honor to someone else.

The first guy was on top of the tree trunk "platform". It was shaking ... the platform was visibly and clearly shaking, and swaying to and fro like a pendulum. But he managed to stand upright, lifted his arms at the side, and then with a shout (to provide courage?) he leapt off the platform. No ... he didn't become a messy mass of splattered meat and bones! The safety harness controlled his jump/fall.

After a few of the 14-member mini-tribe had climbed and jumped (including a member of the weaker sex - a complete misnomer, don't you think so?) I did not want to be the last person. I did not want to be petrified, and freeze on the way up the ladder, or at the top of the tree trunk. "The longer I wait, the more that my body (especially the arms and legs) would freeze", I thought to myself.

The first few steps of the ladder was a cinch. But the higher I went, the more apprehensive I became. I did my best not to think of anything, except getting up the ladder. After the top of the ladder, I had to put my legs on metal pieces driven into the tree trunk to act as the final steps to the top, and the "platform". I never looked down, even once!

I managed to put both my legs on the top of the sawn-off trunk (platform). I was in the crouching position with both my hands on the "platform". Oh for heaven's sake! The top of the trunk where I was crouching was shaking and swaying like a pendulum too! I was staring straight ahead at the tree tops, petrified! Not knowing what to do!

The lady instructor shouted, "Use your hands to push your body up!", so that I could stand. But because the top was still shaking and swaying too much, I just did not dare make any further move.

I decided to breathe deeply to calm my nerves . It worked! The top was no more shaking and swaying significantly. It appears that if the cells of your body are calm, they will transfer that feeling to the tree trunk! My shaking and vibrating body had caused the top of the tree trunk to vibrate and sway! Talk about the Law of Cause and Effect!

I pushed with my hands, and I was standing! I stretched my arms. Then, with a shout, I jumped. The safety harness broke my fall. I was then gently and slowly lowered down. I did it!

How did I tame my fear? Two key words/phrases : "Action" and "Don't Think!"

By taking action, you are in the "now", in the "present" - not the future (i.e. thinking "what will happen if I fall?").

By not thinking, you are in your body - not in your mind. It is your mind that gives you the fear (false expectations appearing real).

The moral of the story? You can tame your fear of anything if you use the two principles above - "Action", and "Don't Think!".

If you are thinking of whether to start a business or not, you may be fearful of losing your investment; or of not making it. Don't think, just do the business! If you are thinking of investing $50,000 in properties and are fearful ("What if the economy goes into a tail-spin like the share-markets around the world today?"). Don't think, just invest! The Universe will come to your assistance once you have decided to take action! The Universe is not going to you if you are just sitting ... and expecting everything you desire to fall on your lap!

Wishing you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. I told my dear wife that I climbed up a 20 metre tree. With a sceptical look and a cynical smile, she said, "Oh yes! You did!". She does not believe me! Oh well, you can't win all the time! Furthermore, she's getting rather good at changing the electric bulb at home.

P.P.S. How many times did I climb that day? Four (4) times! All different exercises, but going up towards the sky! Would I do it again? Ermmm ... can you make me an offer? Say ... $1,000,000? Too much? O.K. ... $50,000?

P.P.P.S. My other fear is an injection (you know, with a needle?). Paid for a 40+ blood tests. I have been injected before because of necessity (vaccinations), but never volunteered to give blood or have blood taken from me. On 31st January 2009 had 5 ml of my blood voluntarily taken from me. No big achievement for regular blood donors, I know, but a big taming of my fear for me.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Quality Makes Money?

What is the most important critical success factor (CSF) for a food joint/restaurant/cafe?

Is it the ambience? Location? High human traffic? Pretty waitresses and handsome waiters? Half-dressed and on roller-skates waitresses? Wi-fi availability for your PC?

I believe all the above factors may have their contribution to the success of an eatery. But the most critical would be the Quality of the food!

How do you define the "food quality"? If the customers like (or enjoy) the taste, then it is quality food (according to them ... well, the Customer is King, right?)

I had a sea-food tom yam noodle soup at an eatery a week ago. Although the price was twice that of the normal that I pay at a small stall, it was very tasty and had more prawns and squid.

So what did I do next? I gave the eatery free advertising. Word-of-mouth advertising or marketing. Sent an sms to a good friend about the nice soup. Told the missus to try the delicious soup.

The missus tried the soup last week. She thought it was the best tasting tom yam soup she had ever tasted. She was thinking of asking the chef for the recipe. She was even contemplating being an apprentice to the chef! She was raving about the soup all week.

This week she said she had a craving for the best tasting tom yam soup in the world. The eatery was closed on Saturday, so she postponed her craving to this Sunday.

We drove, some 25 km away, to satisfy her craving. At the first spoonful, she knew something was not right. It did not taste like last week. There was no sweet and sour taste. It tasted bland, and slightly bitter. But because she was very hungry, she still ate some of it. Because it was not tasty, her generosity genes made her give the soup to our son, who loved the soup as well ... last week. One spoonful of the soup, and he immediately rejected it, saying that "it was not tasty". Completely different from last week when he was enjoying every drop of the soup. I tasted the soup. One taste was good enough ... to stop! Last week, the soup bowl was completely empty - the missus had slurped every drop of it. This week it was half full.

Do you think that this particular eatery will have a bright future if such variation in the taste of its food continues? Why does McDonald or Kentucky Fried Chicken prosper? Is it because of their nutritious menu? No (many people consider them as junk food)! But the food (well, there are divided opinions as to whether this term is correct, but be a good-sport ... just play along with me, ok?) taste is great, and it tastes the same - whether this Sunday or next Sunday, whether in Kuala Lumpur or Stockholm.

I remember that in my younger days, I would would also drive 25 km to a sea-food restaurant so that I would eat its speciality - baked crab. So, distance or location is "no object".

Similarly, my friends and I would always stop at a particular roadside eatery (a small stall in the small town of Chukai or Kemaman) every week-end for some rice and hot chicken piece. The chicken was always hot from the wok. The floor was the dusty earth. Seating was a "long chair" made of a piece of plank. There were always customers at any time of the day. Was it because the price of the rice and chicken was cheap? I don't think my friends and I would have stopped every week-end if it was merely because of the price (well, we were not that well-off working for an oil company, but we were not that poor-off either). Was it because of its ambiance? I don't think so. It was because its chicken was tasty - and we wanted to eat! Simple?

The moral of the story? If you are in the food business, ensure that the quality of your food is there. Not once, but consistently! How? Have a proper quality control system in place. It could be as simple as ensuring that all the ingredients (condiments etc) for the soup are available or sufficient every day (not just one Sunday, or only six days a week). Or perhaps the chef himself could taste a small spoonful of the soup, before it leaves the kitchen (known as self-inspection in Quality Management).

Could Food Quality be the critical success factor for an eatery? The difference between losing money ... or making money?

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. To be fair, the tom yam soup eatery did provide excellent value-for-money for two other dishes that were ordered. But still, would you patronise an eatery when one dish out of three disappoints you? That would be a 33% defect rate, in Quality Management terms.

P.P.S. Three weeks after the first taste, the missus ordered tomyam soup noodles again to determine whether the second one was an inadvertent mistake. If the first time the taste was given 10 points (world class), the second time was 2, and this time it is 3 (not to be recommended to her best friend ... to an enemy, maybe). But the good news? I learnt that if your customer does not finish the meal he/she ordered, the amount left is inversely proportional to the food quality (i.e. the more food left-over, the more 'poor quality' is the food!).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why Focus on the Positive?

Is it simple to achieve success or riches? Yes!

Is it easy to achieve success or riches? No!

The methodology is simple. The action, especially the one to do with the mind, takes a lot of hard work.

Because achieving success is hard work, you need to tidy-up or "unclutter" your mind. And the most important things to get rid of, are all the negative things.

It is amazing how much negativity there is around us, do you agree? You go to your office cafetaria or cantino, and what do you hear? Complaints about the boss and management. Or gossip, which may be highly interesting but is highly unproductive.

You switch on your TV (using your remote-control of course, so that you can conserve your energy for thinking), and the soap-opera talks about people cheating people. Whether it involves money or relationships.

The TV gives you a live telecast of the most powerful nation on the planet pulverising some third world nation (all because of black gold). This destruction is through remote control, by sending the most advanced missile (from a warship a few hundred kilometres away), for some pin-point bombing, going in through the chimney of a building. Always competing or destroying, instead of being creative or cooperative.

The best thing that you can do if you want to go on the fast track to achieving your dream is to get rid of your TV. Ok, ok ... that action sounds a bit drastic for you ... but you need to do it if you are really really serious about your success. Some homes have a TV in each bed-room. These people are either already millionaires ... or will never be one (if they are not yet one).

You need to focus on the positives. Why? Because the negatives are not going to help you achieve your dreams.

If your mind focuses on the positives, will your habits be positive? Will your actions be positive?

With positive actions, will you get positive results?

Therefore, you must have positive pictures (whether real or imaginary). Do not picture poverty if you want riches. What you see or think, you will attract.

Thus, if you want to help the poor, you should not pity them. You should INSPIRE them instead. Put positive ideas into their mind.

Be a better you, so that others can be inspired to follow in your footsteps.

There was a small boy who was inspired to study hard, just because the mother had told him that his big cousin put priority to his studies first, before going to play football with his friends.

The moral of the story? If you want others to be good, or rich, BE IT!

Also, every thing begins with a thought in your mind. So, if you want a good ending, isn't it correct that you should start with a good beginning? Think positive. Now!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Monday, October 13, 2008

U.S.A. Going Bankrupt? What About You?

The economic and business news since September 2008 has been concentrating on the U.S.A.'s economic meltdown. Caused by their so-called efficient market-driven policies, which are not so efficient after all.

It seems that the U.S.A borrowed US$3 billion every working day because the savings rate of its citizens was negative. Yes, 80 percent of the world's savings is being used by the U.S.A.. As the saying goes, "If you borrow $10,000 from the bank and you forgot to pay, you are in big trouble. If you borrow $1,000,000,000 from the bank and you forgot to pay, then the BANK is in BIG trouble!". So now you know why the global financial system is in turmoil?

Leading to a financial crisis which has infected other countries around the globe. Government involvement appears to be still needed to control unbridled greed amongst some sections of the human race.

Does the so-called de-coupling of national economies to the U.S.A.'s economy exist?

All the while we have said that the world is one big happy "glocal" (global and local at the same time) economy. So the coupling should actually be greater or tighter (whatever term turns you on). Results show that de-coupling is an illusion.

That's why Europe and Australia and New Zealand etc are now having pneumonia after the U.S.A. sneezed badly. That's why every nation will be affected (unless they are in complete self-subsistence and self-communication isolation in Antartica or the Saharan desert or a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean).

As individuals, we will also be affected. The majority will be affected negatively. Business re-alignments, re-organisations, re-engineering ... the end result being "re-ducing" your income.

A minority will be positively affected. Those with Cash. No debts.

Everything is at rock-bottom or fire-sale prices. Bargain prices of stocks in the share-market, and cheap real estate. I saw a $440,000 town-house (1770 sq. ft.) being offered for $340,000. A 484 sq. ft. office suite with market value of $65,000 being offered at $35,600. These are good times indeed ... for those having liquidity (not the one you pour through your mouth type of liquid, though).

Good time to buy. Save tonnes of money. Make tonnes of money. But only for those with cash.

The moral of the story? If you have no money to pay for what you want, should you borrow? If you do, one fine day you will have a terrible day. Just like the U.S.A. Then you won't be singing "Surfing U.S.A.", but "Submerging U.S.A.".

Cash is King! And Queen. And Prince. And Princess. And Beautiful. And warm. And comfortable.

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Friday, October 10, 2008

How to Get Bankers Tripping Over One Another To Give You Money?

One fine Thursday in October 2008

"Please sir, here, please have $19,900 at 0.82% per month from XYZ Bank. You can use it to buy whatever turns you on".

"No, I am not interested. 0.82% per month equals 9.84% per annum. ABC Bank offered me 5% per annum, with no hidden costs (such as administrative fee). If you offer me 5%, I can use the money to invest at 10%. I make 5%, and your bank makes 5%. I win, your bank wins. Please contact me if you can offer 5%".

The following fine Friday

"Hi Mr., this is Aeris. Remember me? I called on behalf of XYZ Bank yesterday offering you the special 0.82% per month rate. I have talked with my manager, and we are happy to offer you 0.5% per month, based on reducing balance, for 6 months".

Wow! What lesson can you learn from the above? Yes, you (a non-existent nobody ... well, almost) can negotiate (with a bank!). Even in today's global economic meltdown and financial carnage. Where the Dow Jones has dropped more than 40% since its peak about a year ago.

You can negotiate almost anything in life. I once negotiated a 50 cents discount on a $3.50 lunch in Singapore. Just to practise the theory that I had just learned that morning.

After the lunch, a friend successfully negotiated for a 40% discount on a massage (no,no ...not the ping pong massage ... just a body massage ... the top part only ... while sitting on a chair ... in full public view).

I would never have dared (too ashamed?) to try to negotiate the lunch discount if I had not learned the negotiation techniques (there are some secrets to it ... but that's for you to come to my training program ...o.k.? ... hehehe!)

Have you experienced a similar scenario (yes, the bank offer ... not the massage discount)? Of course, for the Warren Buffets, Donald Trumps, Robert Kiyosakis and T Harv Ekers of the world, the amounts offered by banks or investors could be in the billions, or at least millions.

What does the above scenario tell you? Are there are loads of $$$$$ for your taking? Do people just love you to have their $$$$$? YES!

Well, in the case of the banks above, they want to offer you OPM - Other People's Money! But hey! ... you don't mind from whom it comes from, as long as it's the Real Thing, isn't it?

The moral of the story? There is abundance in this world!

But ... what's the catch? You must be prepared to receive it! Simple? Yes ... and No!

If your mind is closed to the abundance on this earth, you will never find abundance.

You must also be deserving of the respect ... to receive such offers. How? Respect yourself first! Increase your F.IQ - financial intelligence so that you have good financial habits!

Respect your mind by feeding it good thoughts. Respect your body by exercising it regularly; and as my awesome South African friend Laura said, "... don't abuse your body by smoking that cancer stick" (and burning $$$$). Be a better you!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Sing or To Study?

The picture of a beautiful and heavenly-shaped lady in one of today's newspapers caught my eyes (and full attention!). Well, which warm-blooded male wouldn't?

She's now a wholesome twenty eight (28). She has just had her fourth album (no,no ... definitely not of stamps); it was launched in Indonesia in March. Along the way, she got her degree in Business Administration from a prestigious university, and spent six months at a college in Australia.

At three, she started singing (confirmed by her mother). At the tender age of thirteen, she was the runner-up in a regional singing competition (confirmed by Asia Bagus).

She was therefore offered a recording contract, by a Japanese-based company. No, no ... not because she was good-looking. Because she had a good voice (well, it's a recording company, not a beauty pageant company ... for heaven's sake!) AND good-looking!

Imagine that you were her, a teenager, would YOU take up the recording offer? Imagine you were her MOTHER or FATHER, what would be YOUR advice? (Decisions, decisions ... no wonder your stress level is going up!)

There's no right or wrong answer. Only that one answer will lead to a different result from the other.

If she chose to become a recording artiste at a young age, she would have a minimum of ten years' experience by now. Would that enhance her singing skills and repertoire, to a very high level today? Would exposure to the huge Japanese market be useful for her singing career?

However, she may not have been able to concentrate on her education, and thus not have a B.B.A. at the end of her name. But, what do you think? Which is easier to obtain? A recording contract, or a B.B.A?

Isn't an offer of a recording contract at a young age, a once in a lifetime opportunity? You can do your B.B.A. at any age ... there was a guy who did his M.B.A. in his sixties. Hundreds of guys and gals do their B.B.A. at all ages ... in the thirties, forties and fifties.

Moral of the story? What action we take today, will decide what result we get tomorrow. It is therefore very critical that we make the right decision. How? Make sure we have the correct information.

"But I am just a teenager, I don't have the experience and wisdom, what should I do?". Get the right coach or adviser or mentor (at least your parents should ... hehehe ... not easy to be a parent, isn't it?). Get as much input as possible. You will then make your decision with eyes wide-open. With no regrets. As Frank Sinatra, the famous philosopher, said, "I did it my way!".

I wish you Success in all your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. The singer did not accept the first contract offer. There appeared to be at least a tinge of regret by her.

How Do You Apply Will-Power for Your Success?

What is the secret to using your will-power?

To whom should you direct your will-power? To other people? No. The secret is to direct all your will-power to yourself! You are the captain of your destiny. So you need the most will-power to power your ship to your destiny.

Direct your will-power to your mind. Your mind is more powerful that the best computer in the world. Make your mind more powerful with the help of your will-power.

Combine will-power with belief. Add a clear and focused vision of where you want to be; which will ultimately become your destiny.

I met a guy who looked as though he was prepared to go mountain hiking. He had a big plastic bottle of a special health drink (to energize him ... he told me) specially strapped to his waist. He had a big haver-sack on his back. The haver-sack contained his PC lap-top, and all his business brochures/documents.

Since he has started an on-line internet business (in addition to his three other already successful conventional businesses), his lap-top allows him to conduct his business anywhere that he happens to be. His brochures and documents allow him to conduct business wherever he happens to be. A mobile business (man)! Because I know that he is a successful businessman, I could only admire his will-power to do whatever it takes to always be creative in his business approach. He believes in his ability, and has a clear vision of what he wants to achieve.

You have to put pictures of health in your mind if you want to be healthy. Picture yourself in the pink of health. As slim as the world's super models (well ... it may be stretching it a bit ... o.k. then, imagine you losing 25% of your extra weight ... fair target?)

Picture in your mind the wealth that you want, if wealth is what you want. Put a picture of your red dream sports-car, with full leather uphostery, 6 wheels (??? ... inclusive of spare wheel and steering wheel ... hehehe!), and imagine yourself enjoying the cool mountain breeze as you drive powerfully up the mountain (of success?). Driving to your bungalow on top of the mountain, with a beautiful view of the ocean on one side, and the city on the other side.

How can you be of service to those in need of help? Be an inspiration to them. How? Lead by example!

Lead them to rise out of their causes of despair and despondency. If you want them to be rich, do not yourself be poor; you have to have riches.

If you want them to be healthy, do not yourself be slovenly or slothful, by not exercising regularly; you need to be a picture of health and vigour.

The moral of the story? Make use of will-power - yours! - to powerfully march towards success. When you combine a strong will-power with a deep belief in your ability and focused vision of your life-goals, you will certainly achieve your destiny! As the saying goes, "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a choice!"

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Monday, October 6, 2008

To Be Successful, You Only Need to Think?

I was in a Malaysia Airline B747 on the way to Japan to attend a 3-week training program on Quality Management.

"The captain of this flight is Captain MH (Most Handsome) Azharo", came the message over the PA system. "The name sounds familiar", I thought ... as I fast-backward the clock to my memorable 4-year stay in college. I immediately asked the pretty and petite flight stewardess to ask the captain whether he was in the same college, to confirm he was my good college-mate. He was! After my meal, I was invited into the cock-pit (no ... rumours that illegal cock-fighting takes place in the cock-pit is simply not true).

I therefore had a bird's eye-view (ohhh ... so that's why they call it the cock-pit ... because you feel and see like a he-bird!) of the landing at Tokyo's Narita airport. Did the MH Captain and his First Officer (co-pilot) take a lackadaisical attitude to reach the destination? No! Did they have 100% concentration? Yes! Did they focus all their attention to the exact runway, and the minutest details of the plane's speed, height, and descent angle? Yes!

It is the same if you want to achieve your goal. You have to give it your focused, undivided attention!

A famous Malaysian international fashion designer explained during a TV interview that he was 18 when he saw a picture of a beautiful and tall model, and told his friends that he would like a wife just like that. His friends laughed ... maybe because he was not as tall as the model...maybe he was not a successful designer yet. (Doesn't that sound familiar? ... Our friends love us, and don't want us to get hurt ... having BIG DREAMS ... in this case, Tall Dreams ... hehe!).

Two years later, he had the opportunity to meet the beautiful tall model face-to-face. What do you think happened? He hid behind her skirt? When your Tall Dream appears live in front of you, will you grow shorter, or taller? Will you run away from your dream, or after it?

Isn't the above story about the Power of Thinking? What was first seen in the mind, through a mere picture, became a reality! Albeit 2 years later? Was it worth the 2-year wait? Or was it that because the mind had clearly and undividedly focused on one (beautiful and tall) goal, it was not deflected (or side-tracked) during the 2 long years? What do you think?

The moral of the story? Wallace D Wattles wrote, "You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want; you cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself". If you want anything, it has to start in your mind. Think of what you want. Have a burning desire. Write it down. Have faith that it is "at hand". Have the "mental attitude of ownership". Once you have the Power of Thinking, add the Power of Action. You will be unstoppable! Or irresistible. Or ...!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. Did the fashion designer get his Tall Dream? Yes. Is he happy? Deliriously so, I believe (well, with 5 kids, you cannot be either happy or delirious ... you must be deliriously happy! ... hehehe). Write to me if you can beat that, ok?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

How do You Connect to Power?

Connect to what Power? Brawn Power? Electric Power? Nuclear Power? Power Rangers? (hehehe ... kids love them, though I think they are a bad influence [just like most TV programs are]... one kid almost broke my spectacles when he did a Power rangers kick).

What will you become if you associate with good people? With God-fearing colleagues? With rich neighbours? With positive minded friends? With charitable Samaritans? ... Yes, you are right! The probability is great that you will become like them.

Wouldn't it be great to be connected to the Ultimate Power? The One that created you? (No, no ... I didn't mean your daddy or mummy). The One that created the Universe? (No, no ... not the guy who created the Miss Universe organisation ... though I think you would agree The One has a hand in deciding who the annual winner is). Most people know Him as God, in whatever lingua franca.

So, how do we connect to the Ultimate Power? Do we need to book a $multi-million trip on a spaceship to the moon? Well, it need not be that expensive if you are really interested. You are really interested? Here's how ...

Be grateful every day! Be thankful every day for what you have received. Appreciate what you get every day. Appreciate that you are able to wake up every morning! Use these three phrases every day when you converse with the Ultimate Power: "Thank you", "I am grateful", "I appreciate".

What actually happens when you express Gratitude for your blessings? Your state of mind goes into spiritual mode. You are thanking for the Divine help that you have received. You are therefore "Acknowledging the Source-Giver of your blessings". Will your Source-Giver give you lesser blessings or more blessings, when you acknowledge Him? Think about it.

When you thank your boss at work for his advice (oftentimes disguised as a scolding or a reprimand!!!), will your boss love you less or more? I rest my case.

Moral of the story? The Law of Gratitude will bring you more of the blessings that you are thankful for. Anything that you appreciate will come to you. You appreciate guidance, you will get more of it.

You appreciate riches, more of it will come. You may ask, "How come some millionaires lose their money within a short time (such as lottery winners)". It's because they have never appreciated that a lot of hard work is involved. Remember the saying "Easy come, Easy go"?

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!