Sunday, October 5, 2008

How do You Connect to Power?

Connect to what Power? Brawn Power? Electric Power? Nuclear Power? Power Rangers? (hehehe ... kids love them, though I think they are a bad influence [just like most TV programs are]... one kid almost broke my spectacles when he did a Power rangers kick).

What will you become if you associate with good people? With God-fearing colleagues? With rich neighbours? With positive minded friends? With charitable Samaritans? ... Yes, you are right! The probability is great that you will become like them.

Wouldn't it be great to be connected to the Ultimate Power? The One that created you? (No, no ... I didn't mean your daddy or mummy). The One that created the Universe? (No, no ... not the guy who created the Miss Universe organisation ... though I think you would agree The One has a hand in deciding who the annual winner is). Most people know Him as God, in whatever lingua franca.

So, how do we connect to the Ultimate Power? Do we need to book a $multi-million trip on a spaceship to the moon? Well, it need not be that expensive if you are really interested. You are really interested? Here's how ...

Be grateful every day! Be thankful every day for what you have received. Appreciate what you get every day. Appreciate that you are able to wake up every morning! Use these three phrases every day when you converse with the Ultimate Power: "Thank you", "I am grateful", "I appreciate".

What actually happens when you express Gratitude for your blessings? Your state of mind goes into spiritual mode. You are thanking for the Divine help that you have received. You are therefore "Acknowledging the Source-Giver of your blessings". Will your Source-Giver give you lesser blessings or more blessings, when you acknowledge Him? Think about it.

When you thank your boss at work for his advice (oftentimes disguised as a scolding or a reprimand!!!), will your boss love you less or more? I rest my case.

Moral of the story? The Law of Gratitude will bring you more of the blessings that you are thankful for. Anything that you appreciate will come to you. You appreciate guidance, you will get more of it.

You appreciate riches, more of it will come. You may ask, "How come some millionaires lose their money within a short time (such as lottery winners)". It's because they have never appreciated that a lot of hard work is involved. Remember the saying "Easy come, Easy go"?

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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