Friday, October 10, 2008

How to Get Bankers Tripping Over One Another To Give You Money?

One fine Thursday in October 2008

"Please sir, here, please have $19,900 at 0.82% per month from XYZ Bank. You can use it to buy whatever turns you on".

"No, I am not interested. 0.82% per month equals 9.84% per annum. ABC Bank offered me 5% per annum, with no hidden costs (such as administrative fee). If you offer me 5%, I can use the money to invest at 10%. I make 5%, and your bank makes 5%. I win, your bank wins. Please contact me if you can offer 5%".

The following fine Friday

"Hi Mr., this is Aeris. Remember me? I called on behalf of XYZ Bank yesterday offering you the special 0.82% per month rate. I have talked with my manager, and we are happy to offer you 0.5% per month, based on reducing balance, for 6 months".

Wow! What lesson can you learn from the above? Yes, you (a non-existent nobody ... well, almost) can negotiate (with a bank!). Even in today's global economic meltdown and financial carnage. Where the Dow Jones has dropped more than 40% since its peak about a year ago.

You can negotiate almost anything in life. I once negotiated a 50 cents discount on a $3.50 lunch in Singapore. Just to practise the theory that I had just learned that morning.

After the lunch, a friend successfully negotiated for a 40% discount on a massage (no,no ...not the ping pong massage ... just a body massage ... the top part only ... while sitting on a chair ... in full public view).

I would never have dared (too ashamed?) to try to negotiate the lunch discount if I had not learned the negotiation techniques (there are some secrets to it ... but that's for you to come to my training program ...o.k.? ... hehehe!)

Have you experienced a similar scenario (yes, the bank offer ... not the massage discount)? Of course, for the Warren Buffets, Donald Trumps, Robert Kiyosakis and T Harv Ekers of the world, the amounts offered by banks or investors could be in the billions, or at least millions.

What does the above scenario tell you? Are there are loads of $$$$$ for your taking? Do people just love you to have their $$$$$? YES!

Well, in the case of the banks above, they want to offer you OPM - Other People's Money! But hey! ... you don't mind from whom it comes from, as long as it's the Real Thing, isn't it?

The moral of the story? There is abundance in this world!

But ... what's the catch? You must be prepared to receive it! Simple? Yes ... and No!

If your mind is closed to the abundance on this earth, you will never find abundance.

You must also be deserving of the respect ... to receive such offers. How? Respect yourself first! Increase your F.IQ - financial intelligence so that you have good financial habits!

Respect your mind by feeding it good thoughts. Respect your body by exercising it regularly; and as my awesome South African friend Laura said, "... don't abuse your body by smoking that cancer stick" (and burning $$$$). Be a better you!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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