Monday, October 6, 2008

To Be Successful, You Only Need to Think?

I was in a Malaysia Airline B747 on the way to Japan to attend a 3-week training program on Quality Management.

"The captain of this flight is Captain MH (Most Handsome) Azharo", came the message over the PA system. "The name sounds familiar", I thought ... as I fast-backward the clock to my memorable 4-year stay in college. I immediately asked the pretty and petite flight stewardess to ask the captain whether he was in the same college, to confirm he was my good college-mate. He was! After my meal, I was invited into the cock-pit (no ... rumours that illegal cock-fighting takes place in the cock-pit is simply not true).

I therefore had a bird's eye-view (ohhh ... so that's why they call it the cock-pit ... because you feel and see like a he-bird!) of the landing at Tokyo's Narita airport. Did the MH Captain and his First Officer (co-pilot) take a lackadaisical attitude to reach the destination? No! Did they have 100% concentration? Yes! Did they focus all their attention to the exact runway, and the minutest details of the plane's speed, height, and descent angle? Yes!

It is the same if you want to achieve your goal. You have to give it your focused, undivided attention!

A famous Malaysian international fashion designer explained during a TV interview that he was 18 when he saw a picture of a beautiful and tall model, and told his friends that he would like a wife just like that. His friends laughed ... maybe because he was not as tall as the model...maybe he was not a successful designer yet. (Doesn't that sound familiar? ... Our friends love us, and don't want us to get hurt ... having BIG DREAMS ... in this case, Tall Dreams ... hehe!).

Two years later, he had the opportunity to meet the beautiful tall model face-to-face. What do you think happened? He hid behind her skirt? When your Tall Dream appears live in front of you, will you grow shorter, or taller? Will you run away from your dream, or after it?

Isn't the above story about the Power of Thinking? What was first seen in the mind, through a mere picture, became a reality! Albeit 2 years later? Was it worth the 2-year wait? Or was it that because the mind had clearly and undividedly focused on one (beautiful and tall) goal, it was not deflected (or side-tracked) during the 2 long years? What do you think?

The moral of the story? Wallace D Wattles wrote, "You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want; you cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself". If you want anything, it has to start in your mind. Think of what you want. Have a burning desire. Write it down. Have faith that it is "at hand". Have the "mental attitude of ownership". Once you have the Power of Thinking, add the Power of Action. You will be unstoppable! Or irresistible. Or ...!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. Did the fashion designer get his Tall Dream? Yes. Is he happy? Deliriously so, I believe (well, with 5 kids, you cannot be either happy or delirious ... you must be deliriously happy! ... hehehe). Write to me if you can beat that, ok?

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