Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How Do You Apply Will-Power for Your Success?

What is the secret to using your will-power?

To whom should you direct your will-power? To other people? No. The secret is to direct all your will-power to yourself! You are the captain of your destiny. So you need the most will-power to power your ship to your destiny.

Direct your will-power to your mind. Your mind is more powerful that the best computer in the world. Make your mind more powerful with the help of your will-power.

Combine will-power with belief. Add a clear and focused vision of where you want to be; which will ultimately become your destiny.

I met a guy who looked as though he was prepared to go mountain hiking. He had a big plastic bottle of a special health drink (to energize him ... he told me) specially strapped to his waist. He had a big haver-sack on his back. The haver-sack contained his PC lap-top, and all his business brochures/documents.

Since he has started an on-line internet business (in addition to his three other already successful conventional businesses), his lap-top allows him to conduct his business anywhere that he happens to be. His brochures and documents allow him to conduct business wherever he happens to be. A mobile business (man)! Because I know that he is a successful businessman, I could only admire his will-power to do whatever it takes to always be creative in his business approach. He believes in his ability, and has a clear vision of what he wants to achieve.

You have to put pictures of health in your mind if you want to be healthy. Picture yourself in the pink of health. As slim as the world's super models (well ... it may be stretching it a bit ... o.k. then, imagine you losing 25% of your extra weight ... fair target?)

Picture in your mind the wealth that you want, if wealth is what you want. Put a picture of your red dream sports-car, with full leather uphostery, 6 wheels (??? ... inclusive of spare wheel and steering wheel ... hehehe!), and imagine yourself enjoying the cool mountain breeze as you drive powerfully up the mountain (of success?). Driving to your bungalow on top of the mountain, with a beautiful view of the ocean on one side, and the city on the other side.

How can you be of service to those in need of help? Be an inspiration to them. How? Lead by example!

Lead them to rise out of their causes of despair and despondency. If you want them to be rich, do not yourself be poor; you have to have riches.

If you want them to be healthy, do not yourself be slovenly or slothful, by not exercising regularly; you need to be a picture of health and vigour.

The moral of the story? Make use of will-power - yours! - to powerfully march towards success. When you combine a strong will-power with a deep belief in your ability and focused vision of your life-goals, you will certainly achieve your destiny! As the saying goes, "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a choice!"

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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