Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Sing or To Study?

The picture of a beautiful and heavenly-shaped lady in one of today's newspapers caught my eyes (and full attention!). Well, which warm-blooded male wouldn't?

She's now a wholesome twenty eight (28). She has just had her fourth album (no,no ... definitely not of stamps); it was launched in Indonesia in March. Along the way, she got her degree in Business Administration from a prestigious university, and spent six months at a college in Australia.

At three, she started singing (confirmed by her mother). At the tender age of thirteen, she was the runner-up in a regional singing competition (confirmed by Asia Bagus).

She was therefore offered a recording contract, by a Japanese-based company. No, no ... not because she was good-looking. Because she had a good voice (well, it's a recording company, not a beauty pageant company ... for heaven's sake!) AND good-looking!

Imagine that you were her, a teenager, would YOU take up the recording offer? Imagine you were her MOTHER or FATHER, what would be YOUR advice? (Decisions, decisions ... no wonder your stress level is going up!)

There's no right or wrong answer. Only that one answer will lead to a different result from the other.

If she chose to become a recording artiste at a young age, she would have a minimum of ten years' experience by now. Would that enhance her singing skills and repertoire, to a very high level today? Would exposure to the huge Japanese market be useful for her singing career?

However, she may not have been able to concentrate on her education, and thus not have a B.B.A. at the end of her name. But, what do you think? Which is easier to obtain? A recording contract, or a B.B.A?

Isn't an offer of a recording contract at a young age, a once in a lifetime opportunity? You can do your B.B.A. at any age ... there was a guy who did his M.B.A. in his sixties. Hundreds of guys and gals do their B.B.A. at all ages ... in the thirties, forties and fifties.

Moral of the story? What action we take today, will decide what result we get tomorrow. It is therefore very critical that we make the right decision. How? Make sure we have the correct information.

"But I am just a teenager, I don't have the experience and wisdom, what should I do?". Get the right coach or adviser or mentor (at least your parents should ... hehehe ... not easy to be a parent, isn't it?). Get as much input as possible. You will then make your decision with eyes wide-open. With no regrets. As Frank Sinatra, the famous philosopher, said, "I did it my way!".

I wish you Success in all your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. The singer did not accept the first contract offer. There appeared to be at least a tinge of regret by her.

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