Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vision + Action = Success

Everthing starts with a thought. You see, or have a vision, in your mind before you actually get what you want.

Napoleon Hill wrote "Think and Grow Rich". Maybe that's a clue as to the starting point of getting anything that you want?

When you have a vision, your creative juices will start flowing. When you have a vision of a particularly delicious "food, glorious food", you may start to salivate (digestive juices flowing out?).

I have a friend who's vision is to have a young wife. Ever since he was 26. Even when he was 56. (Even when he's 86? ... well, we'll see! Anyway, you know about that guy who marrried a Playgirl when he was in his late 80s - or is it when he was already 90?).

My friend's first wife (when he was 26) was 16. His second wife (when he was in his early forties) was 22. His third wife (when he was in his late forties) was 24. His fourth wife (when he was in his fifties) was 18. Don't you think that he is an example of "what you think, is what you get"? Awesome!

Of course, you may argue that you also have the vision to have a young and pretty wife, but you are not as successful as my friend above. Perhaps you are a completely disastrous and miserable failure compared to my friend. Where have you gone wrong? Where did my friend go right?

The most probable answer between your miserable failure and his galloping success is "action". My friend took massive action.

Of course, sometimes he seeks support from a favorite auntie. To arrange for a list of 66 potential candidates. He had to go through almost half of the list to get his number 2 wife. A lot of entertaining and dining. I mean, its no joke to go through the list. If you have not tried doing it, then you wouldn't understand the amount of time (and money) that is needed to be expended. Are you ready for the sacrifice?

If you just have a vision of a pretty girl on your lap ... however hard you think .... however hard you focus ... however hard you meditate ... however hard you squint your eyes ... she ain't gonna fall from the sky onto your lap! If just having a vision worked, many Hollywood (and Bollywood) starlets would have gently fallen onto my lap too!

By taking action, you are actually preparing for the thing (that you envision), to be delivered to you. For you to be ready to receive it. Without action, that which you are supposed to receive, will wait in the distance...waiting for you.

You may know a friend who had undergone failure after failure after failure after failure ... and is now a success. If he has experienced failures, don't you think that he was actually preparing to receive success? Did his actions which led to his earlier failures, increased his knowledge of what not to do to achieve success?

If you have not met failure, how are you going to know success? A failure is actually a success, but facing the opposite direction, don't you think so? The other side of the coin, so to speak.

The critical importance of acting in the present, has been well said by Wallace D Wattles. He wrote: "You cannot act where you are not; you cannot act where you have been; and you cannot act where you are going to be; you can only act where you are".

Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. The vision is the inspiration for you to attract whatever you want. Your massive action is the perspiration that brings, and also prepares you to receive, whatever you want.

The moral of the story? Once you have a vision, get into immediate action. Do not procrastinate! Do not wait for your surroundings to change; you go change your surroundings (even though the pace of the change may appear agonisingly slow).

Your Vision is the spark that will light your fire. Your Action is the stoking of the logs that will turn the tinder into a giant ball of fire. Your Vision combined with massive Action will turn you into a flaming success!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. Did my friend have four wives at a time (a polygamist)? No. He is a one-woman man!

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