Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why Focus on the Positive?

Is it simple to achieve success or riches? Yes!

Is it easy to achieve success or riches? No!

The methodology is simple. The action, especially the one to do with the mind, takes a lot of hard work.

Because achieving success is hard work, you need to tidy-up or "unclutter" your mind. And the most important things to get rid of, are all the negative things.

It is amazing how much negativity there is around us, do you agree? You go to your office cafetaria or cantino, and what do you hear? Complaints about the boss and management. Or gossip, which may be highly interesting but is highly unproductive.

You switch on your TV (using your remote-control of course, so that you can conserve your energy for thinking), and the soap-opera talks about people cheating people. Whether it involves money or relationships.

The TV gives you a live telecast of the most powerful nation on the planet pulverising some third world nation (all because of black gold). This destruction is through remote control, by sending the most advanced missile (from a warship a few hundred kilometres away), for some pin-point bombing, going in through the chimney of a building. Always competing or destroying, instead of being creative or cooperative.

The best thing that you can do if you want to go on the fast track to achieving your dream is to get rid of your TV. Ok, ok ... that action sounds a bit drastic for you ... but you need to do it if you are really really serious about your success. Some homes have a TV in each bed-room. These people are either already millionaires ... or will never be one (if they are not yet one).

You need to focus on the positives. Why? Because the negatives are not going to help you achieve your dreams.

If your mind focuses on the positives, will your habits be positive? Will your actions be positive?

With positive actions, will you get positive results?

Therefore, you must have positive pictures (whether real or imaginary). Do not picture poverty if you want riches. What you see or think, you will attract.

Thus, if you want to help the poor, you should not pity them. You should INSPIRE them instead. Put positive ideas into their mind.

Be a better you, so that others can be inspired to follow in your footsteps.

There was a small boy who was inspired to study hard, just because the mother had told him that his big cousin put priority to his studies first, before going to play football with his friends.

The moral of the story? If you want others to be good, or rich, BE IT!

Also, every thing begins with a thought in your mind. So, if you want a good ending, isn't it correct that you should start with a good beginning? Think positive. Now!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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