Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Attract Success and its Sweet Fruits?

There are three simple strategies that you must adopt, for you to attract success.

The first strategy is to that you must give more in USE-VALUE than the CASH-VALUE that you take. What's the difference?

You are familiar with the Cash-Value - the $$$$$$ that you dole out whenever you pay for something that you want.

What, then, is the Use-Value? Imagine that you buy a book on "Making Money through Investing in Real Estate" for $30. You then keep it in your office desk drawer without reading it. Does it have any Use-Value for you?

Imagine that you devoured (not literally ... unless you are really starving!) the book in 24 hours. A few months later you used the ideas in that book to buy an office space (at a property auction) for $35,600 (market value $50,000). The present tenant wants to stay in the premises that you have bought, at a rental of $6,000 per year. (I know of a real case with these monetary figures).

In 6 years time, that property would have been paid by someone else (your tenant), and you own the property outright. What is the Use-Value of the $30 book? More than the $30 you paid? More than the $6 cost of printing the book? In this case, you have receieved Use-Value which is more than the Cash-Value that you gave. The publisher/author of the book had given you more in Use-Value than he took in the Cash-Value from you.

If someone writes a book and it costs him just $6 to print, but he sells it to you for $30, and you made use of the book (either to make money or to have mental enjoyment), don't you think that the author is going to be a best-selling author ? With lots of the green stuff going to him?

Similarly, if you are an employee, give more value to your organisation that the $ that they give you. Give more suggestions than other employees. Work longer hours than others. Will you be rewarded? Of course! O.K. ... I get you ... your organisation does not appreciate you. But one day, another organisation will appreciate you (when you leave your present organisation for a better paying organisation!).

The second strategy is to live as God wants you to. Be The Complete Person. After all, you are one-of-a-kind. There's no other you out there. Be the Best You That There Will Ever Be!

The third strategy is to THINK about what you want. A good friend of mine thought seriously about companionship. He set a one year time-frame (by 31st December) target to find his life-partner. He was constantly thinking, and constantly taking action, of course. By November, he had married. OK, this sounds a bit off-track ... but you still get the drift?

Moral of the story? It is quite simple to attract success. Give more Use-Value than you get Cash-Value - people find this irresistible. Be the complete person that you can be - God will love you more! The final jig-saw puzzzle piece - set your mind to whatever you want to achieve. These three strategies combined will attract all the success that you want.

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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