Monday, September 22, 2008

Comfort Zone

We are satisfied. We sit on our a_s_, and watch the world go by. We are in our COMFORT ZONE .

Then ... a few years down the road. We wonder "What happened?" Why are we still sitting in our chair (or rocking chair, if we are rockers)? Others have flown from country to country, from one exciting adventure to another, from one level of achievement to the next, from one financial level (struggling) to a higher level (jet-setting).

It's true that adversity is the mother of invention. So how do you get out of the Comfort Zone? Into the Adversity Zone? You can only do it if you have a higher aim in life. Only if you want to continuously improve. Only if you continuously set your target higher. The Japanese call it KAIZEN.

VISION. The ability to see ... ideally far ahead. Two men were in a mud hole, one saw the mud, the other saw the sky. Who do you think will go farther?

In High School, I knew a boy who's vision/ambition was to be an engineer. However, because it was an elite school, his academic grades (in science and mathematics) were below median (amongst his peers there). He thus was not admitted (streamed is the term they use) into the science class, which is a pre-requisite if you want to do engineering (four years down the road). He therefore explained his predicament to the School Principal. Imagine that you were the Principal, and the boy asked that you admit him into the science class, what would you do?

Everything starts with a Dream. Sounds like a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) jingle. Some people are allergic to MLM. Those who are non-allergic to MLM have been known to make millions, and able to contribute generously to charities and society. Anyway, whatever field or industry we are in, the potential rewards are enormous if we are THE EXPERT in that field.

Once we have the vision, our direction is set. If we are on the right track, with our Kaizen ATTITUDE we can move. But we need ACTION to get results. MASSIVE ACTION to get MASSIVE RESULTS. So, what are you waiting for? MOVE! Pronto!

Moral of the story: Adopt a Kaizen mentality to get out of our Comfort Zone. Having a vision of what you want to be, or do, the HOW will automatically be revealed to you (sooner or be patient). Take massive action if you want massive results!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. The boy who wanted to be an engineer won a scholarship to read engineering at a university in the United Kingdom. The Power of a Dream!

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