Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are Opportunities Abundant?

The Law of Cause and Effect means that we cannot do the same thing everyday, and expect a different result. Doing the same thing everyday and expecting a different result has been described as insanity.

Are opportunities really abundant? Malaysian multi-millionaires like the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong and Tan Sri Lee Yan started with almost nothing. Just like some of you. Yet they managed to become multi-millionaires. How? They found the opportunity. Or they created the opportunity.

Are opportunities every where? Are you looking for opportunities? Serious?

Have you seen the advertisements in the newspapers? Offering one opportunity after another. Insurance, multi-level marketing (MLM), wills writing, self-laundromats, self-service water dispensers, foreign exchange (forex) trading, options trading, all types of franchises, property investment. Did you check these out?

Have you had tele-marketing people call you up - to invite you for a business preview (some with a free buffet lunch or a one- or two-night stay at a hotel thrown in)? Did you go to check them out? If you are afraid that you will be tempted to give away your money (some of those presenters are awesomely pursuasive) at the previews, make sure you leave your cheque book, credit card, bank card, or spare cash at home. Just bring your open mind to the preview. Fair deal?

Did any of your friends or office colleagues tell you about a business opportunity? Did you listen? Did you hear what he said? When you have a closed mind as your friend is talking, it means you listened but didn't hear him! Did you check out what the said? Attended the business preview or talk to some one knowledgeable? Knowledgeable means that the person is already involved in that industry, and is achieving success in that business.

It's a matter of whether you are looking or not. Ask, and you will be given.

Of course, not all businesses may be for you. You may not be able to take that McDonald franchise for $1,000,000 because you are a bit financially challenged (short of a mere $999,999!). Then an MLM company may be more to your financial capability (their 'franchise' normally is less than $100).

What? You are allergic to MLMs? Then start you own business. No ... not the one where you start with 2 beautiful secretaries (one on your right, the other on your left). I am talking about the one where you set up a table (or a table cloth if that better suits your budget), and sell whatever turns you on.

Where there's a will, there's a way. Agree?

Moral of the story? The Laws of Success applies to everyone equally. Your opportunities are as abundant as you make of it. So, what are you waiting for? Go to that business preview that you have been invited to! To open your mind first, before you open your cheque book!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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