Monday, September 22, 2008

The Biggest Room for Improvement

As most of you are aware, the biggest room for IMPROVEMENT is between our two ears. Less than 6 inches' distance.

The amazing thing is that, once it expands, it would not bounce or shrink back. Well, what do you know! If we constantly STRETCH it everyday, in no time at all, we would have the biggest room that we (or rather our thoughts and imagination) could ever live in! How AWESOME. Exciting.

If we have never made an INVESTMENT of more than $1,000, would we be comfortable making a $10,000 investment? If we have never saved more than $10 a month, would we be comfortable to save $1,000 a month? The answer, please? Yes, veeeeeeeeeerry uncomfortable.

A long long time ago, during the good old days of Robin Hood and his seems that long ago, anyway...I invested in a training program. Yup. All $15,000. Cold, hard cash. No more, no less. Roughly 5 months' hard-earned salary. Was I all raring to let go of the money? Of course you are right. No! There were lots of tossing left and right, up and down...on the bed. Also, a bit like the Kamasutra stuff.

Fast forward some 15 years later. I was listening to a business preview on the 50th floor of a building. $18,000 fee for the rights (something like a franchise) to distribute a popular product which is used by many people. Was I uncomfortable? Yes, but only a little. No more erotic contortions of the body like that Kamasutra stuff, 15 years ago.

Another year has passed. Another business preview. Some guys and gals think it's a good dough-making (not necessarily to bake cakes) idea to set up a small restaurant/cafe. They were looking for investors for their $300,000 project. Profits only expected after one and a half years of operation. One share (unit) = $6,000.

How much did I decide to invest? Yes, you are right. $18,000! You are a very fast learner. Congratulate yourself!

We know that this concept applies in any field, not only investment. Before Roger Banister ran the (sub) 1-minute mile, nobody thought that it was possible. Once he did it, other people's minds also expanded, and every Tom, Dick and Harry (well...almost all the top runners) were running the sub 1-minute mile.

Moral of the story? Once our mind has expanded, it will never shrink back (the two $18,000 investments...yes?).

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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