Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Missing Link

Do you feel that you are an ambitious and hardworking person? That you have a burning desire for success? A burning desire is an important condition for success. But do you feel that the achievement of your success (however you define it) is far from what your burning desire is? Why?

The missing link is your FINANCIAL PARADIGM. How do you perceive money? What is your attitude towards money? How do you treat money? Is $ to be spent immediately (because we don't know whether we will around tomorrow to spend )? Is $ to be saved (so that we are in a bind if we need some money for an urgent surgical operation)? Why should I set aside some money to invest (when I am struggling to meet my monthly expenses)? Are most rich people con-men (or con-women)?

I once lent a book on "How to make plenty money" (actually that is not the exact title of the book, but you get the drift....right?) to a young man in his early twenties. His mother, on seeing the book, said to his son (something to the effect) "Money is not important, other things are". How is it going to impact the son's financial paradigm? Do you think it will help improve his financial standing?

Do you believe that successful people think in a different way from unsuccessful people? That a criminal (whether he is a small-time common criminal or a big-time blue-collar financial derivatives rogue trader) thinks different from the law-abiding citizen like you? That rich people think differently from poor people?

Do you notice that when you mix with a group of people that you tend to become like them? Psychologists say that it is because of peer pressure. If you mix with God-fearing people you will (with a high statistical probability) be a God-fearing person. If you mix with drug addicts you will soon become one? Unless you are an aid worker to help them overcome their dangerous habit, of course. If you mix with positive people you will become positive, and move faster in life?

If you are given the best opportunity and the best tools (such as whatever amount of $) to succeed, will you succeed? Not necessarily. If your financial paradigm is not correct, they will all go to waste. If you don't have the best opportunity or the best tools in the world, you could still succeed, if you have the right mentality with regard to FINANCIAL HABITS.

If we are not where we planned to be, then we have missed something. We did not do something right. That missing link starts with our inner self. What we think is what we will get.

Moral of the story? Everything starts with how we think. If we have not achieved the success that we have aimed for, it means we are doing the wrong things. We need to re-educate ourselves. So, throw our your old paradigm. Open your mind to new information! Go buy a book! Go attend a seminar!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you nd your family. Take care.

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