Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pro-Create to Get What You Want?

Let's be clear as to what we mean by Pro-Create. Pro = Pro-active. Pro-Create = Being pro-active to create.

You want to be better today than you were yesterday. Right? You want to have more success and more money today compared to yesterday. Right?

The Universe will give you whatever you want. Because the Universe is full of abundance, it will not take from someone else, to give to you. You therefore need not worry that you will deprive someone else of the success that you achieve, or of the money that you get. This happens if you Pro-Create.

Pro-Create means that you do not think of competition. You should be pro-active, to create something that is not yet available.

Look for a problem that someone has; and solve it. Look for a problem that an industry has; and solve it. If you a problem solver, you can get whatever you want later on. This is how many successful businesses are set up. Federal Express (FEDEX) solved a need for fast and secure delivery that new customers used. Some still prefer the Snail Post; nothing wrong with that if we are in no hurry. You increase your business success not by taking other people's customers, but by creating new customers.

Or be a benefit provider. People and organisations are always looking for things or services that will benefit them.

If you use competition, your success will be transient, at best. You go into competition if you believe that opportunities are limited. In competition, it is a zero-sum game. One person wins, the other loses. Today you win, tomorrow you competitor wins. It goes on and on.

But if you think that opportunities are abundant, then you become a creator rather than a competitor. As a creator, you do not need to take somebody's share away from him. You don't need to stoop low to take advantage.

Moral of the story? You want to become a PRO-CREATOR. You must look for opportunities to be creative. A simple way is to look for problems, and solve them. For Pro-Creators, problems are their sources of new ideas or inspiration! Strange way to look at problems, don't you agree?

I wish you and Success in all your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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