Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Get What You Want?

There is only one tool that you need to use to get what you want. What? Only ONE? Please be serious ... you may think. Yes! Only one POWERFUL simple tool.

Do you want a clue? Napoleon Hill wrote the book "Think and Grow Rich". One of the most successful motivational books in the world.

Yes, you are a good student. The open secret is: What you THINK is what you GET!

I met a businessman from Sarawak. (Before turning to business, he was an employee - a manager for a land development organisation). He was always thinking of getting one business opportunity off the ground. Always asking for contacts. Always looking for partners who could complement him in a business venture. Do you think he will be a successful businessman? I don't really know, but he has a 3 bedroom condominium within walking distance of the City Centre. He has a farm with a big fish pond - rearing fish as a hobby. Of course he drives a Mercedes.

Another person that I met had been a very successful employee (top management post) in a German multinational company. But he was always thinking of being his own boss. At the peak of his career, he resigned to start his own business. At the age of 50. (Now do you understand that age is just a number?) Everyone thought he was crazy to give up a well-paid job with all the perks (status, company car with driver etc). But his mind had been on starting his own business all those years that he was climbing up the corporate ladder. Better late than never. He has never regretted that decision.

Wallace D Wattles said, "To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease, or to think of riches when in the midst of poverty, requires power; but he who acquires this power becomes a MASTER MIND. He can conquer fate; he can have what he wants".

Moral of the story? Your thoughts will determine what you have in your hand. Get into the HABIT of thinking positively to get positive results. If you accept this, there's no stopping you to achieving your worthwhile dreams.

I wish you Success in all your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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