Friday, September 26, 2008

What is Your Gift to The World?

What is the object of life? It is development. You should attain your FULL AWESOME POTENTIAL.

What are the three main areas of life that we must realise our potential? The reasons for our existence? We live for the body (physical), the mind (mental), and the soul (spiritual). These 3 areas of our life must be all EQUALLY annd FULLY DEVELOPED if we are to live a COMPLETE LIFE. Some use the term a "balanced life".

Wallace D Wattles said that you must not be satisfied with a little - if you are capable of using and enjoying more. He said, "... to be content with less is sinful"! That's a strong statement, isn't it? Do you agree with it?

What is SUCCESS? In life, it is to become what you want TO BE.

Do you want to have a life of riches and abundance? Lots of the green stuff ($$$$...not green trees)? If you answered 'Yes', I got good news for you. You are normal.

How do you maximise your 'physical' potential? With good food, clothing and shelter, including rest and recreation (R & R).

How to maximise your 'mental' potential? With books, travel and observation, and intellectual companionship and recreations, and appreciate art (and nature?... the other green stuff?) and music.

How to maximise your 'spiritual' potential? You must have LOVE! When you love, you GIVE. You give of yourself. Of your time. Unfortunately, you have only a limited amount of yourself, or time, to give to the world. So, how to give more? Through a POWERFUL SUBSTITUTE FOR YOU. What is this awesome substitute? Think about it for a moment. It is the GREEN STUFF (no...not the trees [though they can be considered as a substitute, tho' it's quite difficult to keep a tree at home]) ... the $$$$$$!

Do you want to know how you can achieve all the above simultaneously for a period of about 3 weeks? A good friend who I greatly (and secretly) admire showed how you can do it. He wanted to celebrate his coming of age (birthday actually) with impact and meaning.

How? He cycled almost 2000 km (yes...two thousand kilometres) around Peninsular Malaysia (West Malaysia) one fine July month. Don't you think he maximised his 'physical' potential during the 3 weeks of riding an average of 100km a day?

Cycling a bike at a speed of about 20km/hour, and stopping for rests along the way, don't you think his travels brought him observations of the beauty of nature? In terms of companionship, he almost got an offer to be the son-in-law (of a kind soul who offered him dinner during one of his night stops)! He wrote about his travels on his blog. Didn't he maximise his 'mental' potential?

Through WORD-OF-MOUTH MARKETING of his ride, he managed to attract donations of almost $50,000 for riding 2,000 km. Given to an ophanage. Don't you think he maximised his 'spiritual' potential?

Don't you feel inspired by the above true story? What was his age when he rode? Care to guess? Put your guess in the comments.

Moral of the story? Your gift to the world is: to be the BEST YOU THAT THERE WILL EVER BE! As Wallace D Wattles said, "... for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself". Be rich (like Bill Gates?). Then give it away (like Bill Gates?). What are you waiting for? Go find some good investment vehicles. But first, make sure you have the right knowledge - to reduce your risks!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

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