Friday, September 26, 2008

Success and Riches: a Mathematical Certainty?

If you want SUCCESS and RICHES, is there a probability that you will get them?

In terms of mathematical or statistical probability, the corrrect answer will be 'Yes'. Zero (0)probability is there. But can you achieve 100% probability (probability of One [1])? A probability of 1 = Certainty.

Wallace D Wattles wrote that "... any man ... will get rich with mathematical certainty". Hmmmm ...what do you think of that?

Dr Kaoru Ishikawa, a famous Japanese quality guru, considered a Cause and Effect diagram as an indispensable tool for Quality Control. In Japanese Quality Control Circle (QCC) presentations, a cause and effect diagram is also known as an Ishikawa diagram, or a Fish-bone diagram (why? ... because they look like ... a fish-bone! ... that was easy, wasn't it?).

In manufacturing processes, will a particular process give a particular result (or product quality)? Is it important to control process parameters? To control pressure, temperature and volume in oil and gas production? You are correct that the answer is 'Yes".

If you accept the Law of Cause and Effect, then you will accept the idea that to obtain Success and Riches is a mathematical certainty. How? You only need to identify the factors that lead to success and riches. Study successful people. Model rich people. Don't merely mirror the externalities (dress, cars, yachts etc) that the successful and rich people exhibit - these are actually the results or effects of their internalities (their thinking). Their internalities are their causes.

So, what should you do? Think like the successful and the rich. Napoleon Hill wrote a book "Think and Grow Rich". I am sure there's a book out there titled "Think and be Successful" (well ... maybe not exactly with that title ... but with the same objective). If you can't find the book, you tell me, o.k.? I will write the book ... hehehe!

Successful and Rich people do not let their external environment limit them. They create their environment for success. Their internal mind-set will work to create the environment. Their internal mind-set is the cause of their external results like cars, yachts and executive jets.

Successful and Rich people do not look for excuses. Whether you are in a small town or the big city; whether you have a lack of capital or lots of capital ($$$); whether you are a block head or a talented person; whether you are in the right business or not; whether you are physically perfect or physically impaired; these have absolutely no bearing on your success.

A company held a competition to reward (and recognise) business partners who were the best business developers. I saw a guy in a wheelchair win the runner-up spot in the competition. Did physical impairment stop him from competing with the physically perfect, and win? Wouldn't you feel inspired?

The Successful and Rich do not look for excuses; they look for Cause and Effect.

Moral of the story? The Successful and Rich do the same things. They THINK the same way. They are certain they can attain greater heights of achievements. Because they understand the Law of Cause and Effect. So start taking action now. If you find yourself sailing off track, it's ok. Make changes to your sails and direction (your cause), so that you get the full wind and correct direction to reach your port of destination (your effect/result).

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!


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