Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Attract Success and its Sweet Fruits?

There are three simple strategies that you must adopt, for you to attract success.

The first strategy is to that you must give more in USE-VALUE than the CASH-VALUE that you take. What's the difference?

You are familiar with the Cash-Value - the $$$$$$ that you dole out whenever you pay for something that you want.

What, then, is the Use-Value? Imagine that you buy a book on "Making Money through Investing in Real Estate" for $30. You then keep it in your office desk drawer without reading it. Does it have any Use-Value for you?

Imagine that you devoured (not literally ... unless you are really starving!) the book in 24 hours. A few months later you used the ideas in that book to buy an office space (at a property auction) for $35,600 (market value $50,000). The present tenant wants to stay in the premises that you have bought, at a rental of $6,000 per year. (I know of a real case with these monetary figures).

In 6 years time, that property would have been paid by someone else (your tenant), and you own the property outright. What is the Use-Value of the $30 book? More than the $30 you paid? More than the $6 cost of printing the book? In this case, you have receieved Use-Value which is more than the Cash-Value that you gave. The publisher/author of the book had given you more in Use-Value than he took in the Cash-Value from you.

If someone writes a book and it costs him just $6 to print, but he sells it to you for $30, and you made use of the book (either to make money or to have mental enjoyment), don't you think that the author is going to be a best-selling author ? With lots of the green stuff going to him?

Similarly, if you are an employee, give more value to your organisation that the $ that they give you. Give more suggestions than other employees. Work longer hours than others. Will you be rewarded? Of course! O.K. ... I get you ... your organisation does not appreciate you. But one day, another organisation will appreciate you (when you leave your present organisation for a better paying organisation!).

The second strategy is to live as God wants you to. Be The Complete Person. After all, you are one-of-a-kind. There's no other you out there. Be the Best You That There Will Ever Be!

The third strategy is to THINK about what you want. A good friend of mine thought seriously about companionship. He set a one year time-frame (by 31st December) target to find his life-partner. He was constantly thinking, and constantly taking action, of course. By November, he had married. OK, this sounds a bit off-track ... but you still get the drift?

Moral of the story? It is quite simple to attract success. Give more Use-Value than you get Cash-Value - people find this irresistible. Be the complete person that you can be - God will love you more! The final jig-saw puzzzle piece - set your mind to whatever you want to achieve. These three strategies combined will attract all the success that you want.

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Pro-Create to Get What You Want?

Let's be clear as to what we mean by Pro-Create. Pro = Pro-active. Pro-Create = Being pro-active to create.

You want to be better today than you were yesterday. Right? You want to have more success and more money today compared to yesterday. Right?

The Universe will give you whatever you want. Because the Universe is full of abundance, it will not take from someone else, to give to you. You therefore need not worry that you will deprive someone else of the success that you achieve, or of the money that you get. This happens if you Pro-Create.

Pro-Create means that you do not think of competition. You should be pro-active, to create something that is not yet available.

Look for a problem that someone has; and solve it. Look for a problem that an industry has; and solve it. If you a problem solver, you can get whatever you want later on. This is how many successful businesses are set up. Federal Express (FEDEX) solved a need for fast and secure delivery that new customers used. Some still prefer the Snail Post; nothing wrong with that if we are in no hurry. You increase your business success not by taking other people's customers, but by creating new customers.

Or be a benefit provider. People and organisations are always looking for things or services that will benefit them.

If you use competition, your success will be transient, at best. You go into competition if you believe that opportunities are limited. In competition, it is a zero-sum game. One person wins, the other loses. Today you win, tomorrow you competitor wins. It goes on and on.

But if you think that opportunities are abundant, then you become a creator rather than a competitor. As a creator, you do not need to take somebody's share away from him. You don't need to stoop low to take advantage.

Moral of the story? You want to become a PRO-CREATOR. You must look for opportunities to be creative. A simple way is to look for problems, and solve them. For Pro-Creators, problems are their sources of new ideas or inspiration! Strange way to look at problems, don't you agree?

I wish you and Success in all your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

How to Get What You Want?

There is only one tool that you need to use to get what you want. What? Only ONE? Please be serious ... you may think. Yes! Only one POWERFUL simple tool.

Do you want a clue? Napoleon Hill wrote the book "Think and Grow Rich". One of the most successful motivational books in the world.

Yes, you are a good student. The open secret is: What you THINK is what you GET!

I met a businessman from Sarawak. (Before turning to business, he was an employee - a manager for a land development organisation). He was always thinking of getting one business opportunity off the ground. Always asking for contacts. Always looking for partners who could complement him in a business venture. Do you think he will be a successful businessman? I don't really know, but he has a 3 bedroom condominium within walking distance of the City Centre. He has a farm with a big fish pond - rearing fish as a hobby. Of course he drives a Mercedes.

Another person that I met had been a very successful employee (top management post) in a German multinational company. But he was always thinking of being his own boss. At the peak of his career, he resigned to start his own business. At the age of 50. (Now do you understand that age is just a number?) Everyone thought he was crazy to give up a well-paid job with all the perks (status, company car with driver etc). But his mind had been on starting his own business all those years that he was climbing up the corporate ladder. Better late than never. He has never regretted that decision.

Wallace D Wattles said, "To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease, or to think of riches when in the midst of poverty, requires power; but he who acquires this power becomes a MASTER MIND. He can conquer fate; he can have what he wants".

Moral of the story? Your thoughts will determine what you have in your hand. Get into the HABIT of thinking positively to get positive results. If you accept this, there's no stopping you to achieving your worthwhile dreams.

I wish you Success in all your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are Opportunities Abundant?

The Law of Cause and Effect means that we cannot do the same thing everyday, and expect a different result. Doing the same thing everyday and expecting a different result has been described as insanity.

Are opportunities really abundant? Malaysian multi-millionaires like the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong and Tan Sri Lee Yan started with almost nothing. Just like some of you. Yet they managed to become multi-millionaires. How? They found the opportunity. Or they created the opportunity.

Are opportunities every where? Are you looking for opportunities? Serious?

Have you seen the advertisements in the newspapers? Offering one opportunity after another. Insurance, multi-level marketing (MLM), wills writing, self-laundromats, self-service water dispensers, foreign exchange (forex) trading, options trading, all types of franchises, property investment. Did you check these out?

Have you had tele-marketing people call you up - to invite you for a business preview (some with a free buffet lunch or a one- or two-night stay at a hotel thrown in)? Did you go to check them out? If you are afraid that you will be tempted to give away your money (some of those presenters are awesomely pursuasive) at the previews, make sure you leave your cheque book, credit card, bank card, or spare cash at home. Just bring your open mind to the preview. Fair deal?

Did any of your friends or office colleagues tell you about a business opportunity? Did you listen? Did you hear what he said? When you have a closed mind as your friend is talking, it means you listened but didn't hear him! Did you check out what the said? Attended the business preview or talk to some one knowledgeable? Knowledgeable means that the person is already involved in that industry, and is achieving success in that business.

It's a matter of whether you are looking or not. Ask, and you will be given.

Of course, not all businesses may be for you. You may not be able to take that McDonald franchise for $1,000,000 because you are a bit financially challenged (short of a mere $999,999!). Then an MLM company may be more to your financial capability (their 'franchise' normally is less than $100).

What? You are allergic to MLMs? Then start you own business. No ... not the one where you start with 2 beautiful secretaries (one on your right, the other on your left). I am talking about the one where you set up a table (or a table cloth if that better suits your budget), and sell whatever turns you on.

Where there's a will, there's a way. Agree?

Moral of the story? The Laws of Success applies to everyone equally. Your opportunities are as abundant as you make of it. So, what are you waiting for? Go to that business preview that you have been invited to! To open your mind first, before you open your cheque book!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Success and Riches: a Mathematical Certainty?

If you want SUCCESS and RICHES, is there a probability that you will get them?

In terms of mathematical or statistical probability, the corrrect answer will be 'Yes'. Zero (0)probability is there. But can you achieve 100% probability (probability of One [1])? A probability of 1 = Certainty.

Wallace D Wattles wrote that "... any man ... will get rich with mathematical certainty". Hmmmm ...what do you think of that?

Dr Kaoru Ishikawa, a famous Japanese quality guru, considered a Cause and Effect diagram as an indispensable tool for Quality Control. In Japanese Quality Control Circle (QCC) presentations, a cause and effect diagram is also known as an Ishikawa diagram, or a Fish-bone diagram (why? ... because they look like ... a fish-bone! ... that was easy, wasn't it?).

In manufacturing processes, will a particular process give a particular result (or product quality)? Is it important to control process parameters? To control pressure, temperature and volume in oil and gas production? You are correct that the answer is 'Yes".

If you accept the Law of Cause and Effect, then you will accept the idea that to obtain Success and Riches is a mathematical certainty. How? You only need to identify the factors that lead to success and riches. Study successful people. Model rich people. Don't merely mirror the externalities (dress, cars, yachts etc) that the successful and rich people exhibit - these are actually the results or effects of their internalities (their thinking). Their internalities are their causes.

So, what should you do? Think like the successful and the rich. Napoleon Hill wrote a book "Think and Grow Rich". I am sure there's a book out there titled "Think and be Successful" (well ... maybe not exactly with that title ... but with the same objective). If you can't find the book, you tell me, o.k.? I will write the book ... hehehe!

Successful and Rich people do not let their external environment limit them. They create their environment for success. Their internal mind-set will work to create the environment. Their internal mind-set is the cause of their external results like cars, yachts and executive jets.

Successful and Rich people do not look for excuses. Whether you are in a small town or the big city; whether you have a lack of capital or lots of capital ($$$); whether you are a block head or a talented person; whether you are in the right business or not; whether you are physically perfect or physically impaired; these have absolutely no bearing on your success.

A company held a competition to reward (and recognise) business partners who were the best business developers. I saw a guy in a wheelchair win the runner-up spot in the competition. Did physical impairment stop him from competing with the physically perfect, and win? Wouldn't you feel inspired?

The Successful and Rich do not look for excuses; they look for Cause and Effect.

Moral of the story? The Successful and Rich do the same things. They THINK the same way. They are certain they can attain greater heights of achievements. Because they understand the Law of Cause and Effect. So start taking action now. If you find yourself sailing off track, it's ok. Make changes to your sails and direction (your cause), so that you get the full wind and correct direction to reach your port of destination (your effect/result).

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!


What is Your Gift to The World?

What is the object of life? It is development. You should attain your FULL AWESOME POTENTIAL.

What are the three main areas of life that we must realise our potential? The reasons for our existence? We live for the body (physical), the mind (mental), and the soul (spiritual). These 3 areas of our life must be all EQUALLY annd FULLY DEVELOPED if we are to live a COMPLETE LIFE. Some use the term a "balanced life".

Wallace D Wattles said that you must not be satisfied with a little - if you are capable of using and enjoying more. He said, "... to be content with less is sinful"! That's a strong statement, isn't it? Do you agree with it?

What is SUCCESS? In life, it is to become what you want TO BE.

Do you want to have a life of riches and abundance? Lots of the green stuff ($$$$...not green trees)? If you answered 'Yes', I got good news for you. You are normal.

How do you maximise your 'physical' potential? With good food, clothing and shelter, including rest and recreation (R & R).

How to maximise your 'mental' potential? With books, travel and observation, and intellectual companionship and recreations, and appreciate art (and nature?... the other green stuff?) and music.

How to maximise your 'spiritual' potential? You must have LOVE! When you love, you GIVE. You give of yourself. Of your time. Unfortunately, you have only a limited amount of yourself, or time, to give to the world. So, how to give more? Through a POWERFUL SUBSTITUTE FOR YOU. What is this awesome substitute? Think about it for a moment. It is the GREEN STUFF (no...not the trees [though they can be considered as a substitute, tho' it's quite difficult to keep a tree at home]) ... the $$$$$$!

Do you want to know how you can achieve all the above simultaneously for a period of about 3 weeks? A good friend who I greatly (and secretly) admire showed how you can do it. He wanted to celebrate his coming of age (birthday actually) with impact and meaning.

How? He cycled almost 2000 km (yes...two thousand kilometres) around Peninsular Malaysia (West Malaysia) one fine July month. Don't you think he maximised his 'physical' potential during the 3 weeks of riding an average of 100km a day?

Cycling a bike at a speed of about 20km/hour, and stopping for rests along the way, don't you think his travels brought him observations of the beauty of nature? In terms of companionship, he almost got an offer to be the son-in-law (of a kind soul who offered him dinner during one of his night stops)! He wrote about his travels on his blog. Didn't he maximise his 'mental' potential?

Through WORD-OF-MOUTH MARKETING of his ride, he managed to attract donations of almost $50,000 for riding 2,000 km. Given to an ophanage. Don't you think he maximised his 'spiritual' potential?

Don't you feel inspired by the above true story? What was his age when he rode? Care to guess? Put your guess in the comments.

Moral of the story? Your gift to the world is: to be the BEST YOU THAT THERE WILL EVER BE! As Wallace D Wattles said, "... for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself". Be rich (like Bill Gates?). Then give it away (like Bill Gates?). What are you waiting for? Go find some good investment vehicles. But first, make sure you have the right knowledge - to reduce your risks!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Action - Just Do It

How do you start on your journey to financial happiness? The answer is: NOW! Of course it would be better if we had started it yesterday. Or 10 years ago. Or when we were still babies (for those with financially-savvy parents who "loaned" us some money).

What is the first step? As simple as it sounds, we must decide what we want. Put a figure to our "happiness" objective. To have $100,000 in 10 years? To have $1,000,000 in cash when we retire in 20 years time?

Our mind is like a heat-seeking guided missile. It must be given a specific target. Otherwise it will get confused. It may even not take off. Worse, if it takes off wothout a specific target, it may self-destruct.

Once the target is given, then the missile knows where to go. The direction. The speed. All these will automatically be calculated. Similarly for your $1,000,000 target in 20 years.

What is the second step? It is to make sure that you PAY YOURSELF FIRST. Any income that you get, pay your self first. Simple to understand, ain't it? But for some people (that does not include you, I presume) it is difficult to DO! This is the first FINANCIAL HABIT that we need to nurture.

For a start, how much should you pay yourself first? Ideally, a minimum 10%, to be put into a savings account. If you are really, really challenged, then anything would be better than nothing (i.e. not starting). A journey of a thousand kilometres begins with a single step. Just do it!

The secret to doing this is to automate the process. How? Give a standing instruction to your bank to transfer your salary to a particular savings account. You are cheating yourself if you use an ATM (Automated Teller Machine) card to withdraw it later. So do not get an ATM card for that savings account.

What's the third step? NEVER BUY ON CREDIT. If you cannot afford it (i.e. you have no cash!), don't buy it. You are not trying to look rich; you want to be rich! If you use a credit card, make sure you have the money to fully pay the credit card balance in FULL at the end of the month. Buying on credit makes the bank or the merchant rich and happy, not you! (Though you may look good!)

If you can just carry out the above 3 simple steps, do you think you will be changing for the better? Would it be a good start? If yes, do it now!

The moral of the story? We can only achieve our financial objective, if we do it NOW through the right financial habits!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

The Missing Link

Do you feel that you are an ambitious and hardworking person? That you have a burning desire for success? A burning desire is an important condition for success. But do you feel that the achievement of your success (however you define it) is far from what your burning desire is? Why?

The missing link is your FINANCIAL PARADIGM. How do you perceive money? What is your attitude towards money? How do you treat money? Is $ to be spent immediately (because we don't know whether we will around tomorrow to spend )? Is $ to be saved (so that we are in a bind if we need some money for an urgent surgical operation)? Why should I set aside some money to invest (when I am struggling to meet my monthly expenses)? Are most rich people con-men (or con-women)?

I once lent a book on "How to make plenty money" (actually that is not the exact title of the book, but you get the drift....right?) to a young man in his early twenties. His mother, on seeing the book, said to his son (something to the effect) "Money is not important, other things are". How is it going to impact the son's financial paradigm? Do you think it will help improve his financial standing?

Do you believe that successful people think in a different way from unsuccessful people? That a criminal (whether he is a small-time common criminal or a big-time blue-collar financial derivatives rogue trader) thinks different from the law-abiding citizen like you? That rich people think differently from poor people?

Do you notice that when you mix with a group of people that you tend to become like them? Psychologists say that it is because of peer pressure. If you mix with God-fearing people you will (with a high statistical probability) be a God-fearing person. If you mix with drug addicts you will soon become one? Unless you are an aid worker to help them overcome their dangerous habit, of course. If you mix with positive people you will become positive, and move faster in life?

If you are given the best opportunity and the best tools (such as whatever amount of $) to succeed, will you succeed? Not necessarily. If your financial paradigm is not correct, they will all go to waste. If you don't have the best opportunity or the best tools in the world, you could still succeed, if you have the right mentality with regard to FINANCIAL HABITS.

If we are not where we planned to be, then we have missed something. We did not do something right. That missing link starts with our inner self. What we think is what we will get.

Moral of the story? Everything starts with how we think. If we have not achieved the success that we have aimed for, it means we are doing the wrong things. We need to re-educate ourselves. So, throw our your old paradigm. Open your mind to new information! Go buy a book! Go attend a seminar!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you nd your family. Take care.

Delayed Gratification

If we do not know how to handle the "small" money, we will never know how to handle the "BIG" money.

My nephew, when he was 7 years old, would save his "school canteen" money (for snacks) and not have anything to eat during class-break. My nephew would keep the money, and after school would go and spend it on toys at the street corner shop. His father was not a happy man. He was afraid his son could face starvation. But the little boy had actually shown a very good FINANCIAL HABIT. The habit of DELAYED GRATIFICATION.

"Delayed gratification" is the opposite of "instant gratification". 'Delayed gratification' means that we are disciplined enough to wait until we have the money before we buy anything.

Lack of this discipline of delayed gratification is the root cause of the catastrophic FINANCIAL TSUNAMI that has hit America in September 2008. People buy houses when they have no financial strength (i.e. spare money to pay) in case the interest rate goes up. People think that they can sell their homes at a higher price because house prices for the past 10 years had been increasing annually. Some became speculators. The bubble burst, and they all come falling down. Just like ... Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the King's horses, and all the King's men, Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty again. Together with the greedy bankers who wanted to make money at all costs.

This problem can also be seen in those people who use credit cards for their purchases, and make the minimum (5%?) payment. I have friends, one a medical doctor and another a university lecturerwith a PhD in engineering, who think it is cool to pay the minimum monthly amount on their credit card balance. Don't you think that they are not using the full potential of their IQs?

If you have $2,000 of credit card debt at 18% per annum interest, and you make the minimum monthly payment only, how much in total would you have to pay? And for how long (to clear the debt)? What is your answer? [One answer estimates it as $4,600 and more than 18 years (yes...years (not months)]. Do you think it makes good financial sense?

Some studies a couple of years ago estimated that the average American owes $8,400 in credit card debt, and 20% had zero (de nada, zilch!) $ in the bank! Now we wonder why Bush has to pump US$700 Billion this week into America's financial system. By the way, do you know of a friend or neighbour (or anyone else) who has zero bank balance (some even have a negative balance...they are the exceptionally exceptional!), especially just before payday?

Moral of the story? Delayed gratification will help you gain financial stability. Pay all your credit card debt in full at the end of the month; it will save you a lot of money. It may well avert a personal financial disaster (bankruptcy!). Don't be shy... go to the bank and make the payment now!

I wish you Success in all your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Biggest Room for Improvement

As most of you are aware, the biggest room for IMPROVEMENT is between our two ears. Less than 6 inches' distance.

The amazing thing is that, once it expands, it would not bounce or shrink back. Well, what do you know! If we constantly STRETCH it everyday, in no time at all, we would have the biggest room that we (or rather our thoughts and imagination) could ever live in! How AWESOME. Exciting.

If we have never made an INVESTMENT of more than $1,000, would we be comfortable making a $10,000 investment? If we have never saved more than $10 a month, would we be comfortable to save $1,000 a month? The answer, please? Yes, veeeeeeeeeerry uncomfortable.

A long long time ago, during the good old days of Robin Hood and his seems that long ago, anyway...I invested in a training program. Yup. All $15,000. Cold, hard cash. No more, no less. Roughly 5 months' hard-earned salary. Was I all raring to let go of the money? Of course you are right. No! There were lots of tossing left and right, up and down...on the bed. Also, a bit like the Kamasutra stuff.

Fast forward some 15 years later. I was listening to a business preview on the 50th floor of a building. $18,000 fee for the rights (something like a franchise) to distribute a popular product which is used by many people. Was I uncomfortable? Yes, but only a little. No more erotic contortions of the body like that Kamasutra stuff, 15 years ago.

Another year has passed. Another business preview. Some guys and gals think it's a good dough-making (not necessarily to bake cakes) idea to set up a small restaurant/cafe. They were looking for investors for their $300,000 project. Profits only expected after one and a half years of operation. One share (unit) = $6,000.

How much did I decide to invest? Yes, you are right. $18,000! You are a very fast learner. Congratulate yourself!

We know that this concept applies in any field, not only investment. Before Roger Banister ran the (sub) 1-minute mile, nobody thought that it was possible. Once he did it, other people's minds also expanded, and every Tom, Dick and Harry (well...almost all the top runners) were running the sub 1-minute mile.

Moral of the story? Once our mind has expanded, it will never shrink back (the two $18,000 investments...yes?).

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

Comfort Zone

We are satisfied. We sit on our a_s_, and watch the world go by. We are in our COMFORT ZONE .

Then ... a few years down the road. We wonder "What happened?" Why are we still sitting in our chair (or rocking chair, if we are rockers)? Others have flown from country to country, from one exciting adventure to another, from one level of achievement to the next, from one financial level (struggling) to a higher level (jet-setting).

It's true that adversity is the mother of invention. So how do you get out of the Comfort Zone? Into the Adversity Zone? You can only do it if you have a higher aim in life. Only if you want to continuously improve. Only if you continuously set your target higher. The Japanese call it KAIZEN.

VISION. The ability to see ... ideally far ahead. Two men were in a mud hole, one saw the mud, the other saw the sky. Who do you think will go farther?

In High School, I knew a boy who's vision/ambition was to be an engineer. However, because it was an elite school, his academic grades (in science and mathematics) were below median (amongst his peers there). He thus was not admitted (streamed is the term they use) into the science class, which is a pre-requisite if you want to do engineering (four years down the road). He therefore explained his predicament to the School Principal. Imagine that you were the Principal, and the boy asked that you admit him into the science class, what would you do?

Everything starts with a Dream. Sounds like a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) jingle. Some people are allergic to MLM. Those who are non-allergic to MLM have been known to make millions, and able to contribute generously to charities and society. Anyway, whatever field or industry we are in, the potential rewards are enormous if we are THE EXPERT in that field.

Once we have the vision, our direction is set. If we are on the right track, with our Kaizen ATTITUDE we can move. But we need ACTION to get results. MASSIVE ACTION to get MASSIVE RESULTS. So, what are you waiting for? MOVE! Pronto!

Moral of the story: Adopt a Kaizen mentality to get out of our Comfort Zone. Having a vision of what you want to be, or do, the HOW will automatically be revealed to you (sooner or be patient). Take massive action if you want massive results!

I wish you Success in your undertakings, and Good Health and Wealth to you and your family. Take care!

P.S. The boy who wanted to be an engineer won a scholarship to read engineering at a university in the United Kingdom. The Power of a Dream!